Ch-25: Spilling the beans and bonding

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I turn around.
And guess who are standing in the doorway?
Ding ding ding.
My brothers.
"Oh um..hey?" I say. Ugh. What do I even do in this situation?
"You are...Black Skull?" Cole asks, in disbelief.
"Who? Nah am just dropping something off for um a friend, yeah." Yeah such a great liar I am aren't I? What the hell happened to my lying skills? Screw you, brain.
"Cut the crap." Alex says in his usual cold voice.
I sigh in defeat.
"Go home. I can tell you guys everything there. It's dangerous here."
No one budges. I roll my eyes.
"Go!" Like slowly coming out of a trance, they move out of the room and back to the crowded fighting arena. Phew.
I quickly change into some other clothes and head outside through the side door.
I see my brothers there standing next to their car where my bike is parked as well.
I nod to Lucas and they all get inside and head off and so do I.
What shocked me the most was Elijah was here too? Like isn't he supposed to be at work?
As we reach the drive way, for some reason, I am extremely nervous. What the heck? Maybe because they will finally know the real reason why I started fighting.
We all pile onto the couches inside and right as everyone is sat, they all look at me as if asking for an explanation.
Jeez chill.
"So yeah. I am indeed the Black Skull." I say straight out. I mean I can't hide anything now, might as well come clear, right?
"Do you go fight everyday?" Cole asks, worry definitely lacing his voice.
"Nah. I rarely go and when I do bets are high. I went today because..." I stop mid sentence as the flashbacks of what happened earlier today come back.
"Because?" Elijah asks, cocking an eye brow.
I sigh.
"Because the gang dissolved."
"What?!" Cole asks, shocked.
"Yeah. Anyways that's gang business and none of you are supposed to get more information. Anything else?"
"When did you start fighting?" Jayden asks.
"I dunno. Maybe a few years back?" I say, shrugging.  I really don't know.
"Why?" Lucas asks. I sigh again. I seem to do that a lot lately.
"Well after mom died and the abuse started, I was always called a weakling. And that's true, I was one. And I felt like one, too. So one day when I saved a girl in an alleyway with strength I didn't know I had, Will, the guy who manages fights for me, he saw my strength and he asked me if I wanted to train. I, of course, said yes. From that day on I trained everyday, becoming stronger as everyday went by until I became the Black Skull." I finish.
"Oh..." Lucas stays while the others stay silent. Jeez, over dramatic much?
"Well anyways I am gonna head off tobed. So see ya." I say and head off. Just as I reach the stairs, I hear Elijah's voice.
I hesitantly turn around.
"Yeah?" I ask back.
"Do you um..." He seems nervous. What for?
"Do you maybe wanna watch a movie with us and you know, hang out?" He asks.
At first I am shocked. But then I am curious as to why they suddenly wanna hang out? But then I don't know what I wanna do or what I should say.
So I say the first answer that came to my mind.
Hey guys sorry for the late update x
Hope you guys liked the chapter and sorry for any typos and grammatical mistakes.
Also my exams are starting from next week.  :(
Also tysm for 3K+ reads💕

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