Ch-43:Best friends or enemies?

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Rose POV
Finally.I reached the end.
Cautiously I step towards the light and as I step in, I pull my gun out in front of me.
What the-?
There is a whole fucking warehouse that tiny door leads to? What?!
I slightly lower my gun as I take in my surroundings, still being alert. It's dimly lit with boxes everywhere from what I can see, Suddenly I see movement to my  right in my peripheral vision and instantly back up, just in time to dodge a kick. I take a hold of the leg and still holding my gun in my left hand, I manage to make the person drop onto the floor as I sit on top of them. Just as I am about to threaten some information out of them, the warehouse gets flooded by lights. So bright I almost get blinded by them and I have to cover my eyes with my left hand, still  not letting go of the person below me, who's squirming and moving around to try and get out of my grip.
"Well, well, well, who do we have here?" I hear a deep voice say.
"Wait...." I hear a familiar voice.
"Rose?!" Finally adjusting my eyes to the light, I look up. My eyes are wide as I even forget the person below me.
"Rose?" The person below me says as well and then I finally take a look at them. If possible, my eyes get even wider. I get off of her, still in shock.
"Isla? Bethy? What are you guys doing here?" (A/N: They were her best friends that had "moved away" hence she never met them uwu)
"We could ask you the same." Isla says as I get up.
"How do you guys even know this girl?" The guy from previous asks in his same deep voice. I take his look in. Black jeans, emo t shirt. Leather jacket. You get the idea.
"We were best friends until we eventually had to move away." Bethy says.
move away.
"Didn't you guys say you moved away and that's why we wouldn't meet at your school?"
"Um you see...uh..." Both of them stutter as I glare at them.
The guy speaks again.
"Well, looks like we have some catching up to do. Come on in, seeing as you aren't a threat since they know you. For now atleast. We will fill you in inside." I put the gun into my waist as I follow them cautiously, and silently.
Is this good?
Will I be able to go back to my brothers?
Will I be able to trust them?
Only time will tell.
Oh but I had anything but time.
I know I suck at updating but like OMG 50K+ READS WHAT??!! 😭😭❤🤚🏻
thank you all so much it means a lot ❤
Also am trying to end this book but my exams said no😭🤚🏻
I have so many more stories I wanna start working on but I promise I am gonna finish this first :D also the chapters might be short but atleast I will update ya all😭💀🤚🏻
You all are amazing!!
Lots of love
*cries in 50k reads*

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