Ch-27: The Reality

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We all stare dumbfounded at the man in front of us, probably thinking the same thing: am I dreaming?
"My children..." he says and that's what snaps us all out. But I am the first to act.
I stand defensively in front of my brothers. I mean yeah they all are much better built than I am, but I have had much more training.
"You cannot be him, you must be an intruder." He puts his hands up when I take out my gun, that I always keep tucked in my waistband.
"How can I prove it to you that it really is me?" He asks and I halt for a moment and think. Then something pops into my mind. Still pointing my gun at him, I ask him the one question only me and would know the answer of. Or so I thought.
"What did we do the first time we had a father-daughter day after you all left?"I see a small smile form on his lips, but I still don't lower my gun.
"We told your mom we would go to the park and have lunch outside but instead we had ice cream which you weren't allowed to have. We also went to an amusement park, even though your mom hated you being there and we never told her." By now a full smile is playing on his lips.
I drop my gun and jump into his arms. Into the arms of the man whom I have so dearly missed, who never gave up on me.
He hugs me tight as I hug back, tears pooling in my eyes as I feel his fall as well.
"I missed you, my baby girl." He says and that's when the tears fall.
After being like that for a while, we let go of each other and a smile plays on my lips. He turns to his sons and opens his arms wide. They all don't hesitate to rush into them, becoming the kids they once were once again. They all cry as I quietly collect my gun and place it back onto my waistband.
After a while, they all separate, with smiles. Even Alex is smiling. Damn.
"Let's sit down." Elijah suggests and we all gladly do.
"So..." Jayden slowly starts. Well. This is awkward alright.
"What happened?" I ask dad. He cocks an eye brow.
"I thought you died years ago. So how are you?" I ask more clearly.
He averts his gaze and looks down as he speaks.
"I never died. You guys were just told that they found my body, right?" He asks, looking back at us again.
The boys just nod but I speak.
"I figured it out after Cole stopped coming." He just nods stiffly and I saw Cole visibly stiffen.
"But I never died. I faked my death."
"Why?" We all ask, shocked.
"To escape from the Daggershot mafia."
I freeze. "You-you..." I can't form words.
"Yeah Rose, I know you are in the Vipers mafia gang. I was the one who told those people to recruit you, because I knew you could do it. But after I saw how good you were, I left. I couldn't come in front of you because the Daggershoot mafia were still after me and I didn't want to put you in more danger. But I was working on more people for the mafia."
"But then why not us, dad?" Jayden asks.
"You guys still were in contact with that... Girl." Dad says girl with disgust and I see the boy's eyes fill with guilt.
"So I couldn't risk so many lives. But I knew Rose could do it."
That's when a thought hits me.
"Did you know about the...?" I ask dad and his eyes widen.
"I found out a few weeks ago. Who do you think killed him?" He winks at me and my eyes fill with tears. I wipe them away. Can't cry now.
"But who did you get for the mafia, then? We all broke up, you know that right?"
Dad shakes his head. "Did you really want to, though Rose? You said it was tempting, but did you really want to do it?" I contemplate it.
"No." I say. He smiles and gets up.
"I brought you a little mafia present. Come on."
I take his hand and let him lead me outside to the front yard, as my brothers follow.
Dad opens the doors and my brothers go out first and I hear them gasp. I go out last.
And I can't help the gasp and tears that escape me. I see my whole mafia gang outside but the person in the front is who matters the most right now.
My brothers are restraining themselves, maybe for me, but I don't care.
I run into her arms, letting my tears flow freely as I get engulfed in her arms.
And since forever, I let my tears out fully from my heart and break down sobbing in her arms, in the arms that have always protected me and shown me true love and care. The only person I love with my full heart and who I always miss so dearly.
"Mom..." I whisper out, sobbing more uncontrollably as she holds me tighter.
Tysm for 4K+ reads 🥺
This is a 4K special update x
Hope you guys liked this chapter
Sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes💕


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