Ch-15: Torture and news

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I wake up the next morning with a heavy head. Ugh. Affects of not getting enough sleep. I drag myself out of bed
After taking a cold shower and covering my scars with makeup, I slip into some jean shorts and a red full sleeved top. I have to take care of my ex.Ugh. Seeing that it is 9:00 a.m. I head downstairs.
Heading downstairs, I see that everyone is already there.
"Good morning." Lucas greets me and I just nod.
I head over to the coffee maker and pour myself a strong cup of milk coffee.
"So..." Jayden starts.
I look up at him questioningly.
"We have some news for you." Lucas says.
"What news?" I ask them.
"You are starting at Lake High School from tomorrow." Elijah says.
I instantly smile.
If you didn't know already, which you probably didn't, I have two best friends, Isla Daze and Bethy Carter. We have been best friends ever since I was 14, since I saved them from being bullied. But when I turned 16, they moved away, they are step sisters as Isla's dad married Bethy's mom, so they all moved across town. We still text sometimes so I know this is the school they attend.
Another reason is that some of my inner circle close members; Jade, Madie and Nyle also attend the same school.
"Why are you so happy?" Alex asks.
"My friends study there too so I won't be alone or the newbie or whatever."
I tell him, still smiling.
"Your gang friends?"
"Some of them but also my non-gang best friends." he just nods curtly at this.
Seeing that it already is 9:20, I finish my coffee and get my bike keys.
"Well I have some business to attend to I will be back soon."
"Be back by 12 then Lucas and Jayden are taking you shopping." Elijah says. I just nod and head outside.
Shopping for what? Only kind of shopping I would like would be of guns and weapons. But probably not that.
I quickly reach the gang house and head directly to the dungeons.
"'Sup." I say as I see Jade and Marvin already there.
"Yooo." They both say and hug me.
I realise that there are other guards around here those who are newbies; after giving them a nod I realise to switch to Italian because these guards don't have my trust yet.
"dov' è il bastardo? (where is the bastard?)"I ask them.
"nella stanza delle torture, vieni. (In the torture room, come.)" Jade says so I follow her and Marvin to the torture room.
We finally reach the torture room and there he sits, Mike Hensen, My ex boyfriend.
"Leave." I tell them and they, along with the guards, leave, leaving me alone with Mike.
"Well Well Well. Not so bold now are we?" I taunt him, a smirk already making its way onto my face.
"Who the fuck are you really?" he asks.
I lean in close to his ear and whisper, "The leader of the Vipers." as I say that, I drive a knife into his hand, earning a ear-splitting scream from him.
"Bu-But how can you be? You are a girl?" he's panting now. Good.
I take out the knife and put it back in. He yells.
"That was for thinking I can't be a leader because I am a girl."
I punch him in the face for good measure and then head outside. I will let the rest take care of him.
I meet Marvin outside the dungeon with the guards.
"ho fatto qualche danno finirlo.(I did some damage, you can finish it off)." I tell him. He nods his head and heads back to the dungeons with the guards.
So now that that's out of the way and it's 11:12a.m. , I can finally go home.
Birthday update x
am finally 14 yay🌚💫
hope you all liked this chapter ♡
sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes x


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