Ch-12: Excuse and Gang meeting

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Rose's POV

My alarm clock rings loudly and I wake up to see that it's 5:00 AM.
Perfect. I think to myself as I head to take a warm shower and slip into a black tube top after I cover my bruises and scars; with a black leather jacket, some black pants and my black boots.
If you couldn't tell already, I love black. A lot. And I always wear it to gang meetings. I check to see that it's 5:30 a.m. so I head down to leave.

I head downstairs and see that Lucas is already there, cooking breakfast.
"Morning." I tell him as I take an apple and bite it.
He turns around and seems shocked to see me up so early.
"Good morning, where you off to?"
Shit what do I tell him. Of course I can't tell him that I am in a gang.
"Going to pick up some paintings from a friend's house. Will be back soon." lying through my teeth is a habit. He just nods so I take my bike keys and head out.

The gang house isn't so far from here so I reach there pretty quick.
It's 6:17 by the time I reach there. I told the gang to be in the meeting room by 6:00 so they should be there by now.

I head into the usual room and open the door. Everyone turns and looks at me, hands on their guns. I smirk as they relax. I trained them well.
I head into the middle and give them a nod.

"Okay so all of you are here. Good. So we have been having threats recently from a gang. It isn't very big so everyone is not required. Here is their gang house. The falcons." I tell them as I show them the location.
"Okay so whoever wants to go can go. I want the job done today. Make sure none of them live, especially the boss. Got it?" I tell them and everyone just nods.
"One last thing, I have shifted with my brothers so we can meet more often now. Dismissed." Everyone seems excited with us meeting more often and then leaves. I chat a bit with my inner circle and then told them I had to go. They hug me but before I go I remember the excuse I made to Lucas so I head upstairs to my room and collect some paintings.
I took a painting of a dancing girl, a random girl portrait and a withered flowers painting.

(paintings below)

(paintings below)

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Tucking them under my arm, I say a final goodbye to the gang and head back to them on my bike

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Tucking them under my arm, I say a final goodbye to the gang and head back to them on my bike.
My exams are almost over and my birthday is soon yay :)
Kinda short sorry x
Sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes
Much love ♡


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