Ch-39: Training-II

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Rose's POV

I get on my bike and strap on my helmet as I wait for the others to get on their vehicles and to strap in. As I see that all of them are ready, I head off. I don't go my usual fast speed or I will bet you they will lose me and get lost, so I slow down and calmly drive to our second gang house since I don't want them to find the location of our real one yet. I check in between to check whether they are able to keep up or not, and they are. After like 15-20 minutes of driving, we finally reach the gang house. I hear the others get out and doors shut as I get off my bike and face them.
"Whoa. This place is huge." Cole says.
I internally smirk. This is not even the main one.
I cough.
"Well I told the gang members to take a leave today so we can have our privacy or whatever. So come on. And lock your cars and Alex, make sure to put the stopper on your bike." They all nod as I move ahead and hear their foot steps behind me.
I turn corridor after corridor until I get to the elevator. I call it and we all pile in as I hit the button to the basement.
"You have 9 floors and a basement?!" Lucas says, hint of amusement in his words. I just nod.
We reach the basement and walk down another corridor.
"How many corridors does this damn place have." I hear Alex mutter but I just ignore it as we reach the large double doors that guard our training area.
I quickly type in the code and let the machine scan my finger print and we enter.
"Whoa." Whoa indeed. This place is my pride and I will not let anyone destroy it. Guns, knives, gym equipment, boxing rings, everything that you will ever need, is here.
"Okay stay here and don't touch anything, I am gonna get into my training clothes. " I say and head to the changing rooms as I hear a few okays.
I change into some black leggings and my grey sports bra. Well, here goes nothing.
As I get out I see all of them exactly where I left them. Good. Atleast I know they can follow instructions.
"Okay. Now, do ay of you know the basics of firing a gun?" I ask them. I look around as they all nod. Hm okay.
"Fine," I say as I walk towards the gun area. I take five of the most basic guns and go back to them. I throw a gun at each of them as they swiftly catch it.
"Fire. One my one. Let's see who can hit the target." I say with authority in my voice.
"You don't gotta talk to us in that authorative voice ya know, we are older than you anyways." I nap my head towars Alex as he says this.
"Listen, I don't care that you guys are older than me or that you are my brothers or whatever, this is my place and it runs through me, Okay? Now Fire!" I snap as they all immediately fall into a line. I can hear Alex cussing under his breath but I ignore it. For now.
Everyone misses the target except Alex. Impressive.
"Well good job Alex, not everyone gets it fist try here. But work on your stance, yeah?" he just nods.
"As for you four," I motion at the others; "Let's work on your aim and other stuff. They all just nod and we start training.
*******time skip to after two hours******
After a whole two hours of gun firing and stuff, I finally change back into my normal clothes and we head outside.
"That was cool." Cole says as we head out. I just nod.
We finally get to our vehicles and head home. Oh and surprisingly, no one had an....emergency.
hi I am sorry I forgot to publish this yesterday though I did finish it cus I am dumb lol
Anyways hope you liked this chapter thanks for 24K+ reads means a lot <3
lots of love!! x
excuse my spelling and grammar mistakes if there are any .

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