Ch-14:Half Truth

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I drive to the beach and walked around for a while. But after a few minutes, I got a weird feeling to go back. I think about ignoring it but it's just so strong that I can't. So I get back on my bike and without even bothering to put on my helmet, I rush back, crossing the speed limit by far.
When I reach home, I am shook.
I see the front door wide open. They would never do that.
I swiftly but silently get off my bike and taking out my gun from the back of my boot, I silently go up the front stairs to the door and I see my brothers all tied up and three hooded figures with their back to me. My brothers notice me and before they draw any attention, I motion for them to be quiet and I just get nods. I silently enhance upon the three figures.
I then knock one out with the back of my gun, he falls onto the floor with a thud.
The other two turn around and I see one of them reaching towards their waist, probably to get a gun. I smirk.
Not today.
I kick him where the sun doesn't shine and shoot a bullet at the shoulder of the other one. I then knock both of them out and see my brothers looking at me with wide eyes. I roll my eyes. Before I untie them and all hell breaks loose, I call Marvin and Madie to clear out these bodies and take them to the dungeons at our gang house. Within the next fifteen minutes, they come and after a little chat, they take away the still unconscious bodies.
I finally turn to my brothers and reluctantly but slowly untie them.
After I am done untying the last one-that is Cole- I speak before any of them have the chance too.
"Yes I know you all must be confused,mad, frustrated whatever. But if you guys try to anger me or hurt me I will not take it lightly. So better sit down on the couch and I will explain everything."
Surprisingly, everyone takes that nicely and silently goes to sit on the couch. Even Alex. So I sit infront of them.
"Ask me questions and I will answer them." I tell them. Let's just get this over with.
"Who are you really." Alex asks.
I take a deep breath and answer.
"Leader of the most feared Mafia gang; The Vipers."
"What the fu-" Alex starts but Elijah gives him a death stare. Ha that will teach him to shut up.
"How did you get there and why?" Lucas asks.
I sigh and answer.
"After you guys left, things weren't easy at all. At first dad used to send us money and mom used to work as well so we were fine. But after dad died, mom had to work multiple jobs and even I started a job from a very early age. On one of the days, mom came home with tear marks on her face. We didn't hide anything from each other so she told me that she was robbed. That day I decided that I wanted to learn fighting. I asked my school's gym teacher for help and he helped me train and also taught me how to fight. I was a pro fighter till I was 14. One day I saw some guys trying to rape a girl. I made them bleed by how bad I fought them. Then some guys found me. They took me in, because I had ran away from home that day. They let me stay and I grew up with the kids there. I have been a leader ever since I was 15. I am 18 now."

(a/n: I went back to my casting and realised I didn't give most of them ages so be ready to be hit by random ages I am sorry okay I am dumb😬)
(New note: edited this and gave her age as 17,ignore that, she's 18 ;-; smh at myself)

"Why did you run away?" Jayden asks.
"Not answering. That's personal." I tell them and surprisingly, they all just nod. Who are these people and how are they so understanding what the heck?!
"Anything else we should know?" Elijah speaks for the first time in a while.
I nod and start.
"First, never ask me to leave this gang. Yes it's dangerous and all but if you tell me to do that, I am leaving. Second, never interfere in my work. I have had training for years and I am pretty much a professional whereas you guys are not. So stay out of it. Third, never stop me from going out at random times. It's either urgent or really important. Fourth, don't go through my stuff or pick up my phone. That's about it. Got it?" I look up to see everyone nodding and just looking at me.
"What happens if we break any of the rules?" Cole asks and that gets him a glare from me.
"You don't wanna find out." I tell him.
He just nods.
"So anything else?" I ask them.
"Ye-" Lucas starts but my phone cuts him off.
"Hold that thought." I tell him as I pick up the phone.
J- Jade
R- Rose

R: Hey Jade what's up?
J: We have to take out the Eagles eyes'.
R: Why? What happened?
J: Continuous threats and killed off one of our newbies.
R: Oh they will pay. Tell Marvin to get the stats ready. How long?
J: Can be delayed for two days at the max.
R: We will take them out tomorrow just have the stats ready and a few people. And track down the locations of their warehouses and how many of them there are.
J: But what about the leader? He's your ex.
I freeze not answering her. I can't let my brothers know this. Oh well might as well speak Italian.
R: portamelo io lo torturerò per ogni respiro che prende (bring him to me i will torture him for every breath he takes.)
J: (yes)
R: sì addio (yes bye)

I cut the call to see them staring at me.
"What?" I ask them.
"You speak italian?" I freeze.
"Do you guys understand it?"
Lucas shakes his head.
"No we can just recognize it but we can't understand it." I heave a sigh of relief.
"Well italian is what we use to communicate in the gang in case there are others around us who we don't want to know about things. Usually people don't know it so we are safe. But if they do, well sometimes a threat and a fight may go down."

Silence. Ugh.
"So if that's all I will head to bed. It's been a real tiring day." Elijah just nods at me so I head upstairs with my abandoned paintings. After taking a warm shower, I slip into some comfy clothes. Just before I drift off, I realise something.
"Now I can't fucking leave this place because they are already in this mess. Fuck my life."
With that thought, I drift off into an uneasy sleep.
hope you liked this chapter :)
sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes x


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