Ch-45: Maybe

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Rose POV

I tell them my address and they punch that into the GPS. Apparently it's an hour long drive from here. Who cares.
I would call my brothers but for one, I don't have my phone and two, I don't remember their numbers. Because why would I? I have enough on my mind already, I don't need their numbers crowding it more.
On the drive back, we catch up on anything and everything. After they left, it was like a hole was left in me. Call me cheesy but it is true. I never knew how to fill it, until now. Sometimes, the things that make you feel empty also have the power to make you feel whole. ((self promo follow deeply_in_thought on ig for poetry😛))
As we get closer to the house, I tell them to not come in. Don't take it wrongly, I love them and I would love them to meet my brothers. But after I am on a good understanding with them. After I am family.
And maybe, just maybe, after things go back to normal as they were with me and my best friends and my brothers.
For now, all I can say is maybe. And all I can do is hope.
I hug Isla and Bethy goodbye as I walk up our driveway.
Before I can even ring the doorbell, the front door opens and I am engulfed in a hug.
Actually, multiple hugs.
"We were so worried." I hear. That was Lucas.
"We really were." Elijah.
For a moment, I just take in the moment. This feels like home, not a house.
Like a family.
And maybe, just maybe, we could be a family again.
wow two updates?
duh i said it's gonna end soon.
one or two more chapters at the max :')
it's been a journey damn
thanks for the support 💕
sorry for the short chapters

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