Ch-20:the past catching up

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*after school*
I look at him as he takes a good look at me as well.
"Uncle Jax! What are you doing here?" Alex asks him as all the others except Cole and me head towards him and hug him.
"Well I came to visit so I thought why not pick you guys up." He eyes me up and down as I clung onto Cole. Literally.
Uncle Jax says that he already had my brothers' car driven back home so the rest of my brothers went with him. Not Cole tho.
"Rose can I go with you?" He asks, and that makes the brothers turn around.
"Why would you want to do that?" Jayden asks Cole.
"Yes, yes you can." I cut him off and drag him to my bike. I say goodbye to my friends. And in case you are wondering, I did not meet Isla or my other best friend since apparently they have shifted to a new school and that makes me really disappointed and frustrated. But anyways. It is what it is, I guess.
I make Cole wear my helmet since I don't have an extra one as I say goodbye to my friends. They all give Uncle Jax stern stares because they know who he is. I sigh as the other boys give Cole dirty stares but I don't care. I need to have him here because he's the only one who knows what happened. At this moment, I don't even care that he didnt tell them about what happened. I just need someone. I have one vulnerability. And that's my past catching up to me.
We get onto my bike and ride back home, me holding back tears from all the past things catching back up to me. Again, I cry because or what happened, not because of my emotions. Either way, I have been crying a lot more here lately. Ugh. Cole is silent the whole ride and so am I. When we reach our house I see that Uncle Max's car is still not here so as Cole gets down from my bike, I immediately stop the bike and lock it and rush inside, Cole following suit.
"Hey how was school?" Lucas asks.
Cole says it was great as I just head upstairs. But I bump into the one person I wish I didn't have to see just then. Elijah.
"And where do you think you are going, young lady?" He asks me, raising one eyebrow.
"To my room." I mumble back.
"Well not right now Uncle Jax is here I am sure you remember him. So come down and sit."
Terrified, I walk back downstairs and share looks with Cole. I walk to his side and cling onto him.
The brothers and Uncle Jax suddenly come inside and they all talk back and forth as me and Cole remain silent. Only if they knew.
"Everyone come sit. I made pasta." Lucas says as me motions for us to sit. I go to sit next to Cole but Elijah stops me.
"Rose go sit next to Uncle Jax, it's been too long." I freeze but do so after a stern look from Elijah.
"My my how much you have grown." He says with a lopsided grin on his face. I force a small smile back because I can see Elijah staring at me.
"Well, let's eat then. " Lucas says and we dig in.
Suddenly,through all the chatter and the clattering of our forks and spoons on our plates, I feel a hand on my inner thigh. Keep in mind I changed my clothes in recess because I spilled orange juice on mine and I always keep extra clothes. So I was wearing a plaited knee length red and black full sleeved dress.
I look down and see that it's Uncle Max's hand. Of course it is. He disgusts me.
I clench my teeth as I look at Cole to find him already looking at me. He gives me a concerned look but knowing that I can't say anything I just excuse myself and keep my plate on the dishwasher.
I tell Elijah I am gonna go work on my homework just as Uncle Jax says he will be heading back now.
I sigh in relief but then Uncle Jax comes to hug me. I flinch back but I let him.
"I will come back don't worry." He says and I could literally hear him smirking.
He gives everyone a hug and leaves.
Right after the door shuts, Cole is by my side. I don't care how mad I am at him right now, but I still cling to his side.
"What the fuck is your problem?" Alex says. "Why were you acting so weird and flinching? He's our uncle have some respect, jeez." They don't know what he's done to me. Or where he was about to touch just now. But then Alex says something that sets me off.
"It's a good thing you became an orphan. Who would want you anyways."
Hey guys I know I haven't been so active here but I promise to upload more often x
Love ya all x
Sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes <3


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