Ch-1: Family

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He inched towards me, slowly advancing towards me with a piece of glass in his hand. I tried backing away but my back just hits the wall. I whimpered as he reached me and slammed my head onto the wall behind me.
"Isn't your birthday next month, you sl*t?" He chuckles. "Too bad I might not be here. I will be going on a trip tomorrow, you see, and I don't know when I will be coming back. So how about we have some fun today, eh?"
I whimper and shake my head but he just laughs an evil laugh.
He pins me down with his hands and takes the piece of glass. My eyes widen as he brings the piece of glass dangerously close to my face. He covers my mouth as he snickers and draws the piece of glass against my left cheek. I cry. Not because of the pain, no. Am quite used to it. But because of everything that has happened to it. Suddenly, I open my eyes and whimper as I feel extreme pain on my stomach.
I look down as Jordan gets up.
"Clean everything up and head to your room you worthless sl*t." he yelps and I just whimper as I nod.
I look down to see words carved into my stomach.
I don't cry with feelings though. No I haven't cried because of what I feel since after mom's funeral. But instead I just get up and clean all of my blood from the floor.
I head to my room and scrub all the blood off of myself. I slip into my fighting outfit; that is a black hoodie and black pants and my white Nikes' and call Will.
"Hey! 'Sup?" he says as he picks up my call.
"I need a fight. Now." I tell him without any softness in my voice.
Will doesn't know about what happens at "home" but he knows not to question it either.
"Come in now. I will set you up."
"No problem, sweetheart."
Note: he is also extremely gay.
I sneak out the window right after i cut the call.
(A /N: I won't be adding many side photos in this story like the previous ones because it's quite pointless so let your imagination run wild )
I get on my bike that I bought from fight money and head off to the illegal underground fighting arena.
A little back story: this was actually legal up until a moment where a kid almost got killed. The goverment shut it off but the people who used to watch over these things didn't wanna end it just yet. So they continued it in an abandoned underground place they found in the Woods. Illegally. And this time even if someone dies, it's still gonna go on.
I soon reach the familiar alleyway that reeks of cigarettes and wine mixed with the stink of garbage. Gross. I soon park my bike next to a new bike that I have never seen before. I just shrug and head inside. Must be a newbie. I go to the bar as soon as I enter, I sit on the stool in front of Will.
"Hey Ro-cough cough-Black Skull good to have you here again." I just nod.
"Who am I up against?" I ask Will while taking a shot.
"Thunderstrike. Newbie." I just nod and patiently wait for my name to be called. Thankfully, even in my haste, I remembered to cover my cuts and bruised with make up and to put on my disguise: fake bangs and grey eye contacts. You might be wondering: why a disguise?Well because being in things like this and me being a champion also makes me an enemy to people I have injured during fights. So yeah. After a few more fights my name is finally called.
"Please cheer for the number one champion of these fights, Black Skull!"
I put on my hood and get into the fighting ring.
"Today's rival, is a new guy, Thunderstrike!" I look up to see a guy almost standing at 6 feet height, well built but not seeming very swift. I grin. Speed is my strength. And this guy ain't got it.
"Start!" The guy straight away goes to punch me. Wrong move, buddy.
As I said, his punch comes slowly so I have time to hold it inches away from my face and twist it. He grunts but he doesn't let out a shout. I twist his arm until he is on his knees. I knee his face distinctly hearing something crack. Good. He gets up with blood flowing down his nose and once again goes to hit me on my side. I swiftly move ahead and grab him from behind. I trip him and make him fall on his back. Not wasting any time, I get on top of him and start punching him until he blacks out. Easy win.
"Today's winner: Black Skull!" I get out of the ring as everyone cheers. I go to Will and collect my money.
"How much?" I ask him.
"$25,000." I nod and head back outside.
I take a shower and slip a comfy light blue full sleeved oversized tee and some sweats.
I lay on bed thinking of everything.
I look to my bedside table to see the picture of my brothers and me I have framed.
We were so happy as a family. And look at me now. I don't even know what a family is anymore.
With that thought, I slip into an uneasy sleep, thankful that it is Saturday tomorrow.
Hope you guys liked the first chapter! :)
Not that good I know but it gets better as it goes I swear :)


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