Ch-28: Whole again

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I cannot believe it. I am here right now in this moment and I am hugging my mom. It all feels so surreal. I feel like all of this is just a dream, and I am scared I will wake up any moment.
"Hey love..." my mom starts. I look up and see that my mom is looking at me with the same love and adoration she used to look at me with all those years ago. Something seems off though, but I shrug it off. Only then do I notice that all of my brothers are also hugging mom, crying. My dad is looking at us all with tears in his eyes. I also notice the whole gang looking at us fondly.
"But how?" I ask mom after we all control ourselves and stand up.
My mom sighs.
"Well, handle the gang members first, then we will talk okay?" My mom says. I nod and watch as my whole family goes back inside, and I let them because I know I will have to talk to the gang eventually; MY gang.
"Guys..." I start.
"You really think we would leave,capo?" One of my technology guys shouts out.
I shake my head and my inner circle engulfs me in a hug. Soon enough, all of us are in a big giant group hug.
When we finally break apart, we are all smiling.
Iconic, ain't it? The people of the most feared mafia gang, smiling.
"Well, meet you guys at the gang house soon?" I ask, rather than saying.
They all chorus back yeses and yes capos and then they all get into their vehicles and leave.
I shake off the silly smile from my fae and head back inside.
"How did it go?" my dad asks as soon as I step in.
The smile is back on my face and I tell him, "Great."he nods and motions for me to sit. I go and sit on the single individual sofa away from them all. Don't get me wrong, I love my family but right now, I can't let my tough exterior fall. Afterall, i am the capo of the most feared mafia gang. Again.
Feels good to be able to say that again.
"So..." Jayden starts.
"Why are you sat so far away?" Alex asks me.
"No reason." I state back coldly. He rolls his eyes.
"How are you guys still you" Cole asks.
"Rose..." my mom starts.
"Do they know your story?" I freeze.
"How do you..."
"I found out a couple days ago."
"What's your story?" Lucas asks. I gulp.
"Honey, I think it's best you tell them. They deserve to know." my head shoots up.
"They don't deserve to know anything! They were the reason everything happened to me,dad! They were the reason I started..." I catch myself.
((*trigger warning*))
"Tell them...step by step,love." My mom reassures me.
"The reason I started..."
"Just spill!" Alex raises his voice and that tips me over the scale.
"The reason I had depression,anxiety, why I moved to cutting and multiple suicide attempts, why I stopped caring,why..." I look every one of them in the eye.
"Why i started to just let it happen and shut myself off."
I take a deep breath,my parents nod at me.
"You guys are the reason why, and this is my story how."
Hey I am back<3
Sorry for taking so many days off :)
also my bluetooth keyboard came for y phone and it's great. You all should check it out in amazon, just search "bluetooth keyboard for phones/tabs." Obviously, not sponsored.
I hope you guys liked this chapter,
Thank you for supporting me :)
Much love , you all are amazing!
Also, sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes.


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