Ch-5: Past

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⚠⚠trigger warning mentions of self harm.⚠⚠

I went back home and took another long warm shower. I came out and slipped into a large oversized hoodie and some new sweats.
I sat on my window seat and read the letter that came in the box. No, I didn't tell anyone about it.Why?Because it was addressed to me. On the front it said, "To Rose; we know a lot about your past." I hesitantly opened the letter; who knew about my past?
I froze as I read the letter.

"Dear Rose,
Remember me? Uncle Jax? Yeah, Melen's Uncle. Remember Melen? The girl who tortured you and broke your family and almost killed you? Haha yeah, her. Sadly, she's gone now. But my resources say you still haven't been reunited with them, have you. My, My, do you even know where they live?  I suppose not. They don't care about you, Rose. Never have, never will. They care about Melen before you. How's your stepdad? Good man, Jordan. Ah , yes I do know him. After all, I was the one who told him to adopt you since I was in jail. But am out now. Can you find me?Or should I?

I let out a breath that I don't realise I was holding in. Uncle Jax? Wasn't he announced dead? And he has been behind all this. But this also means...
"He's still out there and he's gonna come for me." I whisper to myself. I drop the letter and run to the washroom. I harshly open and close the doors, searching for the one thing that relieves me in times like this.
Found it.
My blade.
⚠trigger warning⚠
I sit on the toilet seat as I raise the arm of my hoodie higher. I make a cut along my forearm, sighing in relief.
Here's the thing: I don't cut because I want attention or to seriously harm myself, I do it because it distracts me from whatever I am feeling. And it's been so long.
⚠end of trigger warning content⚠
After doing that a few times I wash off the blood and head to bed.
It scares me to think that the Uncle of the girl who once tortured me and almost killed me is still out there, and that he's gonna come for me.
sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes :')
hope you liked this chapter ☆


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