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*this story part will be a point of view part of all the brothers.
NOTE:This takes place when Rose places the rules in front of them and leaves. Enjoy :-)*

Elijah's POV

As I look at Rose's retreating figure going out, my head is swarmed by questions.
Questions about her. Her life. Her past. What happened after we left?
Yes, I know we did the wrong thing by leaving but we were teens and we went by what we saw in front of us.
We didn't contact her again because we assumed she didn't wanna talk to us and also because Melen didn't want us to. Her uncle is still in contact with us and he seems like a nice guy.
But the rules Rose placed, they are...different. I somewhat understand the going out thing and obviously the privacy, but what is it about not hugging it touching her? I remember when she used to run to hug me when I came back from school. I missed and ruined that. And I am sorry about it.
But why did she become like this?
What happened to my little rosa(rose) for her to become like this?
Why did she become so cold and emotionless?

Lucas's POV

As I look at my sorrelina (sweetheart) leave the house, I can't help remembering the cold and hard stare she held, along with the emotionless facade. What did she exactly go through to have become like this? She used to be so warm and...bubbly. She was very opportunistic* but now she this?
(*making the most of a moment)
She used to always keep smiling no matter what and was always the one to cheer someone who's sad.
But now she seems like she just...doesn't care.
Why did she become like this?

Alex's POV

Rose leaves the house and we all just stay where we are, lost in our own thoughts.
I can see the others deep in thought but I think they are just overthinking it. I am sure Rose, whom I once called my bambina is pretty much spoiled. Like how can they not see it? She's just a brat. I am sure she's gone off to some strip club or something.
But why does she act so cold?

Jayden's POV

As my tesero (treasure) steps out of the house, I can't help wanting to hug her and remove the foul emotionless facade from her face. This isn't who she is. She is still the girl we left behind, the girl who used to make me flower bracelets and make me drawings. She's still the same person she was, she's just acting. Right?
But what happened that she decided to put on that facade?

Cole's POV

She changed so much. She was so happy and smiling and joyful and now she just seems so...cold. It hurt when she flinched back from me. I never should have left her. I never wanted to. But Elijah forced me to. I thought maybe then Melen would stop torturing her. But she still went to torture my little sister.
But why did she not contact me anymore?
Why no hugs or physical contact?

Sorry for not updating sooner x
Hope you guys liked this chapter!
Sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes ♡


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