Ch-30:Losing her

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*flashback to 24th november 2017*
"Su! You came!" I yell as my best friend, Susan, enters my house.
"Of course, bestie!Happy Birthday!" she yells back as we capture each other in a tight hug.
My foster father would never let me meet anyone, but when I asked him, extremely scared, if I could have Su over, to my utter shock, he said yes, and he was smiling! Well more like grinning, but atleast it's something.
We head to my room and we find my foster father there sitting on my bed.
"Oh hey you must be Rose's Best friend." he says, actually smiling at Susan.
"Yes I am!" Su says back, grinning ear to ear.
"Well since we don't have much to do here, I was thinking we could all play a game." he says, getting up and locking the door. 
Usually, whenever he says 'game', I would cower away and start crying. But maybe because Su is here, he means an actual game?
If only I knew how wrong I was.
"Yay I love games!" Su says excitedly.
He grins. "You will love this just as much." he says and then he picks us both up. And he tries to...touch us.
"What are you doing? Let us go!' Su yells and he slaps her.
And that's when I know: this is once again another one of his twisted games. Su and I struggle against his tight hold, but to no avail.
I look at Su with panic and guilty eyes. She returns my look with a panicked one.
This is all my fault. If I would have never called her over for my birthday, this wouldn't be happening, everything would be okay. 
But moreover, this game of his was worse than any other.
Pain I never felt coursed through me and even Su as we both screamed our lungs out. But no one heard. No one ever does. People don't hear your cries of help unless they benefit from them.
That was the day we lost hope, and Su her innocence. To the man who ruined not only my childhood, but also my life.

*later that day*

After a few hours of...that, Su left my house in tears. That will haunt me forever. The pain, the guilt, mostly.  I realised Su left her scarf at my house, so I go out to give it back to her since...he was sleeping. But when I reached her house, I saw the most terrifying sight that eleven year old me could ever imagine: her bestfriend at the edge of a roof, while her parents screamed for her to come back.
Our eyes met and I saw her mouth sorry. Tears clouded my vision. Everything was a blur from then. I saw Su jump through my tears asI heard her parents scream. Next thing I know, I am looking at Su on the ground, lifeless. There is red everywhere.  And me being me, I did the one thing I have always done. I ran. Away from Susan, her death, my guilt, everything. I have always been a coward, running away from the things that I can''t do anything about, or even my problems. I ran away to a park near Su's house; our favourite park. There I sat down on a bench and sobbed for God knows how long. It was dark by the time I went back to him. That night I got one of the worse beatings of my life. But I didn't care anymore. My best friend was gone because of me, there is nothing else that mattered anymore. He could kill me for all I care, but I don't. That was also the day I started cutting,and also the day I fell into heavy depression.
*end of flashback*

I clutch the picture frame as I remember that dreadful day. Tears stream down my cheeks like streams, not stopping.
"I am sorry, Su..." I whisper out.
That's when a knock sounds at my door; I hurriedly push the frame back into my bedside drawer and rub my tears away and put on my emotionless mask again.
"What?" I say to whoever is at the door.
"Mom and Dad want you to come down so they could tell us all ther story." Lucas.
"I will be right there.' I reply back and I hear his footsteps walk away.
I am about to go downstairs when something hits me.
Mom died in that hospital, I checked it myself. How could she be here? Don't Get me wrong, I am really happy she is here but something just doesn't...feel right. Again.
At the last moment, I tuck my gun back into my waistband and head downstairs.
These may not or might be our parents. Either way, I will find out the truth.
hope you guys liked this chapter <3
sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes x
almost at 6k reads omg x

much love

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