Ch-32: My Story (long version next chapter)

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We all head back inside and they all plop down onto one of the many couches.
I go to my room and get my phone and come back downstairs and plop down across them. I then call Daisy.
"Hey!" She says.
"Hey! Where is the gang at?"
"We are all in the gang house, waiting for any orders. Why?"
"Well you guys should head to bed and stuff, I will come to meet and talk with you guys tomorrow. We had a bit of a...situation here. So yeah. See ya."
"Okay?" She sounded confused aa I hung up. Even I would be.
I hang up the phone and notice all the guys staring at me. I avoid Alex's gaze. I can't believe he thinks my story is fake.
"Hey so about what I said earlier..." Alex starts. I roll my eyes.
"You meant it I know, don't bother."
"Is it really real though?" he asks me. I gave him my death stare.
"No, I just made it all up because I am an attention seeking wh*re,right?" I raise  my voice at him, sarcasm dripping from every word.
"Why don't you calm down and tell us the whole story,then?" Lucas suggests.
I scoff. "As if you guys care." I say.
"But we do. Tell us. Please?" Cole says.
I look at him and see genuine curiosity.
I sigh. "Fine." And so I begin, with what is My story.
Sorry for the super short chapter, but another update soon :D
Also, 7.8K reads, tysm T~T
My previous book has over 10K reads but we can do better :D
thanks for all the love
much love x

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