Ch-3:Dare or Drink-II

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I head out to the balcony and shout "I like to suck" and I get a shout back from somewhere down below "Suck me!" I laugh as everyone else joins in. There are apartments near us, since this isn't the main gang house because we rarely use the main one and this is more homey. I go back to the circle and sit back down.
Marvin is sat to my right and Madie is sat in front of me; Jade is sat to my left and Nyle is to Marvin's right.
"Nyle, I dare you to strip into your boxers and sit in those for the rest of your game." I smirk as he groans.
He drinks instead. I groan.
"Boooringgggg" I whine as the others chuckle.
"Marvin, I dare you to switch clothes with Madie." I laugh.
They both groan but go into the bathroom nonetheless. No, they don't change together we have two joined bathrooms.
Moments later, they both come out and we all laugh our asses off. Madie wears a very oversized hoodie that is VERY big on her and pants that she keeps pulling up and huge black nikes.
Marvin on the other hand, somehow fits into Madie's Small Converse and Pink crop hoodie and Pants.
They sit down grumping and we resume our game.

*After two hours*
It's been two hours and all of us are drunk-well atleast Madie and Nyle because they didn't do many. I am completely sober because everyone knows I don't turn down any dares. Unless it involves sex.

I bid goodbye to the four and head back outside, managing not to bump into anyone else. Most of them are probably outside.
I get back onto my bike to be met with-
Oh no.
They fucking did not.
This is unacceptable.
I quickly grab the thing and head back inside.
This is it.
They are going down.
Short chapter but I hope you guys liked it I will make the next more longer :)
Cliffhanger ig?
also why is this book flopping


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