Ch-41:I know how to kill you and make it look like an accident

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I wake up with an intense fucking headache. As I open my eyes and the world slowly comes into focus, I try to figure out where that motherfucker took me. Yeah I remember what happened and how I got wherever the fuck I am.
I sit up straight and look at my surroundings. Not much to see, obviously. A bed with a table beside it and a desk with a lamp and some random stationery. There is a window on top of the bed and then the door is near the desk. Pretty basic. Of course.
I then hear the click of a lock, or locks, unlocking. And then the door opens to reveal Thunderstrike and two other guys.
"Well, looks like the princess is awake." Thunder guy says as he squats in front of me. For entertainment, I do what I do.
I spit on his face.
"Don't call me princess, you motherfucker." He wipes his face and chuckles.
"Feisty. I like it. Well," he says as he gets up and motions towards the other two.
"These are my crewmates. Kyle Frost." The guy who is the walking definition of a typical bad boy.
"And Jack Helman." The guy who is trying to be intimidating but is not.
"The fuck as if I care." I spat.
"Well you should because they are gonna be here with you from now. To guard you." With that, he nods at the two guys and as they nod back, he heads out. Not locking the door. Big mistake.
I get up and realise the Kyle guy is the one I fought after Thunder guy. And I won.
"Sit the fuck back down." Frosty says.
I chuckle.
"Funny how you think am gonna listen to you." With that, I kick him where the sun doesn't shine and he groans and falls. I waste no time and get on his back and take his gun and point it at his head as I lean in to whisper in his ear.
"Welcome back to the fight, Scarface. Black Skull speaking." I feel him stiffen as I get up to deal with the other guy.
"Stay down, Frosty. And you," I motion at him with the gun. "Sit down next to your friend there." He obediently obliges. Good.
I speak as I back towards the door and check that the gun is fully loaded.
"Do something stupid and just remember, I can kill you and make it look like an accident." With a psychic smile after I say that, I run out the door. And no, my dumbass did not lock it.
I run down whatever hallway I see, since I dont know the exits or entrances or where the fuck even I am. I reach a dead end as I hear footsteps. Shit. There is a room beside me and thankfully it is unlocked and I enter. And what I see is fucked up.
Oh my God.
I am tryna finish this story soon because the no. of stories and ideas I have in my draft are insane like sndjdj
okay love you all

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