Ch-34: why did you leave me?

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Rose's POV

They all stare at me stuned. Yeah of course they will be stunned, they didn't believe me. I feel the tears threaten to spill as I take in the story of what has happened to me once again. I wonder how many times they will need me to repeat myself until they actually believe me.
"I am going upstairs. Do not disturb me." I say and I hear my voice quiver towards the end, but I just dash upstairs and lock myself in my room.
At first, the tears don't fall. But then my eyes fall on the painting of dad that I made. I crawl over to it and sit in front of it. And that's when the tears fall.
Lucas's POV

We all sit there stunned. Yeah we have heard the story before, but maybe being sat directly next to her without anyone else is kind of more intriguing.
"We should go check on her." Cole says and without even asking, he gets up, us following suit.
"Why bother? We don't like her anyways." Alex says as we reach her door, which earns him a slap on the head from Jayden.
"Shut up." He says and just as he was about to knock, we hear sobs.
Rose's POV

"We don't like her anyways." I knew it. And that's when my tears turn into sobs. I look at my dad's painting.
Elijah's POV

We all fall silent as we hear her talking through her sobs.
"Dad..." she says. Lucas and I share a look as we listen more intently. First mom now dad?
"Why did you leave me?" She continues.
Rose's POV

"You promised to always be there for your little princess, then why aren't you here? You told me you would always be here for me, right behind me. Then why am I battling my demons alone? WHY DID YOU LEAVE?" I shout and clutching a pillow, I scream my heart out into it, not caring who hears.
"They hate me, dad. They don't want me here." I say as I silently cry.
"I should have died the first time I tried to kill myself." There. I said it aloud. The thought that has been going on my mind for weeks on end now.
Lucas's POV

She-she tried to kill herself? My baby sister....she tried to kill herself, and now she wishes she died? What happened to her. I will save her.

Narrator: If only he knew, she couldn't be saved. Atleast, not yet.

I see everyone clenching their jaws, Cole even crying.
Rose's POV

"But I forgive you dad, for leaving I mean. Because after all, you loved me and I will always love you. I just wish you didn't leave. But we can't change what happened. I hope you have a good time wherever you are, daddy. I love you."
As I speak those words, everything falls silent. I don't hear the boys, not even my own breathing.
I feel my head become foggy, as everything sinks in.
"you should just die, you know." I snap my eyes open that I didn't realise I closed.
Oh no.
The voices are back.
"we never left."
And then I realised.
I am back in the dark abyss that I fought so hard to get myself out of. It's just that time all over again.
And this time, I don't know how to fight it.

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