Ch-13: Chances

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After a while I finally pull into the driveway of the house and after getting down my bike and taking the paintings off, I head inside. Just as I open the door with my spare key-that I found in my bedside table this morning-I hear the door slam behind me.
What the fuck?
I turn around to see Alex, who seems angry. Very angry.
I casually drop the paintings on the sofa and my eyes land on Cole and Jayden.
After a moment of silence passes, I can't take it anymore.
"What?" I snap.
"What? You are asking me what?! WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?!" Alex shouts at me.
What the heck is his problem.
"I went to collect some of my paintings from my friend's house. I told Lucas."
With that I turn to head upstairs but I feel a tight grip on my wrist, so I turn around.
"You are an ungrateful brat. We were so worried about you and you don't even care right now." Keep in mind I havent  taken pain killers since my last fight so I am awfully weak and I can take him down still, but not when he has this tight of a grip on me. So I stay silent as I feel his hand tightening around my wrist, definitely forming a bruise there.
"Why didn't you call Elijah or Lucas then." I ask him coldly.
He throws me to the floor.
"Ale-" Cole tries but Alex cuts him off.
He then slowly comes towards me and does something unforgettable.
He slaps me.
I stare at him but he doesn't seem fazed.
But he then again continues to speak.
"You are a slut. Just like your mother. I am sure she-" I don't let him finish.
I punch him. Hard. I see blood come out of his nose but I don't stop. I kick him where the sun doesn't shine and he falls to the ground groaning.
No one notices Elijah and Lucas watching us.
"DO NOT TALK ABOUT MY MOM LIKE THAT. SHE GAVE HER ALL TO RAISE YOU ONLY FOR YOU TO ABANDON HER. I AM NOT A SLUT BUT YOU MOST DEFINITELY ARE A MAN WHORE BECAUSE YOU ARE A DESPERATE SCUMBAG." tears are streaming down my face now. What's wrong with me. I never cry because of my feelings unless am frustrated.
"You-" Alex starts but Elijah cuts him off.
"Enough." That's when we notice them.
"We heard what you said Alex. You deserved it." Elijah says and Alex just grumbles.
"Look Rose I am sorry about him just give him another chance." Lucas says.
I laugh and look him straight in the eye.
"No. I gave you all second chances when I didn't resist from moving in with you. But you guys don't deserve it. He goes and calls me and my mom a slut without knowing anything about us. Hurts me like I am trash. And you expect me to give this guy a chance? Forget him, none of you are getting chances anymore. I am leaving this place tomorrow morning." With that, I head outside and to my bike, ignoring all of their shouts.
I wish I hadn't tho.
600+ reads WHA-😭💕
Two updates in one day because am bored :)
sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes ♡


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