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Alex's POV

I watch as Rose walks out the door, sighing. I look down and put my head in my hands.
"We need to find that bastard. Oh wait never mind he's dead." Cole grits out angrily. I was shaking.
Not just from anger. But from regret. How could I treat her the way I did?
"Couldn't you ever tell us?" Jayden asks Cole.
I look up and see my twin glaring at him.
"I couldn't until a few days back. I needed proof and I didn't have it."
"How did you get the video?" Elijah asks.
"Mom and dad had cameras all around our old house remember? But the new people there deleted all the footage of it so it took me years to go to all the security management places all around and finally find it. I was just about to call a meeting when she came back." He finishes and everything falls silent once again.
"When did it all start?" Lucas asks looking at Cole. At first I am confused as to what it means. But then I realise he meant when did the abuse start.
"I don't know. I used to visit them every weekend with dad and sometimes without him, but after dad died, I couldn't anymore." Lucas just nods.
"Head to school." Elijah says and heads upstairs probably to drown himself in work from all of this. Lucas just gives us all a nod and goes outside.
Me, Jayden and Cole all head outside and get into Lucas's car. We reach school and silently go inside and head to our classes until lunch. Me being me, I snap at everyone who talks to me because of my mood.

Rose's POV

I head into my first class of the day. Science. Ugh. Just before I head in, I get a text from Jade.
"Hey the gang needs to talk. When are you free?"
What does the whole gang need to talk about?
"Now." I text back and head outside class. Am not usually one to skip class but my grades are good enough.
I call Elijah on way.
"Hello?" He picks up on the first ring. Damn.
"Hey I am going out of school. No not because I wanna skip there's some gang stuff to discuss and it's important. Can you call in sick for me?"
"Yeah Rose I will do that just stay safe okay?" I roll my eyes. Oh now he cares.
I just hang up.
I get onto my bike and drive to the gang house. I go in and see literally the whole freaking gang from every warehouse we own in the living room, somehow managing to fit in.
"Hey." I say and everyone's heads snap to me.
Everyone says a chorus of heys and morning capo and stuff.
"So what do you guys need to talk about?"
I see everyone exchanging nervous glances.
"You won't like this..." Nyle mumbles.
"Just spill." I say getting annoyed.
"We are moving." My whole inner circle speaks at once. I freeze.
They all look down.
"Everyone wants to leave the gang." Someone says from the back. I freeze again. It takes a moment for me to process this new information and I sigh.
"We are really sorry it's just that-" "We know tha-" "It's just that this whole ga-" Everyone starts talking at once.
"Shut it!" I yell and everyone stops together at once and looks at me. I sigh once again and begin.
"I knew this day would come. I am not gonna lie I have had thoughts about leaving as well. And that day has finally come. But no matter what, I will always think of this gang as a family and always stay safe got it?" Everyone nods.
"Thank you for coming to meet for the last time, I appreciate it." I say to everyone and after hugging my inner circle and even crying a bit, everyone says goodbye and heads their separate ways. This time, forever. Or so I thought.
I wait till everyone leaves and that's a long time I have to wait since there are so many people. Or were.
After one last hug from my inner circle and them leaving, I forgot to ask them something.
"Hey where are you guys shifting to?"
"Los Angeles!" They yell back and head away. Away from me and everything.
Letting out a frustrated sigh, I call Will, who manages all of my fights.
"Hey black skull long time, eh?" If you didn't know I go by the name black skull in the fighting arena. Fighting is something that gives me confidence and I love it.
"Yeah indeed. Well how many fights can I do today?"
"Three. 10 grand for one."
"That's a lot. I am coming right now."
"Okay see ya."
I hang up and head to the underground fighting arena. It feels surreal to be out of the gang.
Hope you guys liked this chapter 💖
Sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes<3
So close to 3k reads omg🥺


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