Ch-11:Questions and Fights

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(back to Rose's POV)
After picking up my supplies I headed back home. No this place is not home. Back to the house. Yeah that seems right. As I enter with my supplies,  I see all of them sitting right where I left them. When I walk in and close the door, all of their heads immediately snap to me.
"Where the fuck were you?" Alex asks, getting up.
"I told you I had to go get art supplies." I say motioning to the bags in my hand.
"We were worried sick about you. What if something happened to you?!" Alex says, increasing his voice now, which angers me.
"Well I have been taking care of myself and everyone around me ever since you guys left so yeah I can take care of myself!" I spit back with much venom.
"Watch your tone, young lady. " he says threateningly. I scoff.
"What if I don't? What are you gonna do? Ground me? Yeah one call to the police and I am out. Disown me? Please do the orphanage we better." I spit back at him.
Everyone looks taken back. Weren't expecting me to stand up for myself, were we? Tick tock guys, I have changed. Just as Alex is about to say something else, Elijah cuts in.
"Enough. Alex she's fine and that's all that matters. And Rose what makes you think we might disown you for any matter?" I scoff.
"What doesn't? You left me all those years ago, who says you won't do it again?"
"Yeah we know we did the wrong thing by leaving you for her but why do you hate her so much?" Jordan asks me and my head immediately snaps to Cole.
"You never told them?" I ask him, My voice hard and cold now.
"I-I-" he stutters.
"Save it. You don't care about me either. Atleast not enough to tell them." I snap.
"What do you mean? What didn't he tell us?" Lucas speaks for the first time in a while.
I look at Cole. Then sigh.
"You guys won't believe me so better he says it. Can you show me to my room now?" I ask Lucas.
He nods and walks away so I follow.
He leads me to the end of the hallway and to a door. He nods and then leaves.
I open the door and-
"Holy." I whisper to myself as I stare at my room in awe.
It's a beige coloured room, with a queen sized bed and a huge window seat by its side. It also has a reading corner and a desk and a full wall filled with books. Attached to it is a walk-in closet and a bathroom.
The bathroom is even bigger than my old room and his room, combined. This is amazing. Maybe except the people living here, this won't be so bad. I put away my supplies and my other stuff and take a warm shower. I slip into a white hoodie and some black sweats and head to bed. It's Saturday tomorrow so it means Gang meeting day. Might as well sleep early. Being so exhausted, sleep encloses me the moment my head hits the pillow.
"This bed is soft." with that,  I comfortably drift off.

Lucas's POV
(after dropping off Rose at her room.)

What did she mean? What didn't Cole tell us? I head back downstairs and see all the others glaring at Cole.
"So?" Elijah asks him as I join them.
He sighs but looks up. "I couldn't tell you about it because it was dangerous but when the danger ended, I didn't have proof anymore.  You guys won't believe this until and unless there is proof so please just wait till I get it."
"What danger?" Alex asks.
Cole sighs again, running a hand through his hair. "As I said, just wait." with that, he goes upstairs and what I assume to his room.
Slowly we all disperse until only Elijah and me are left.
"Luca?" I turn to look at him.
"Why did she flinch when Cole went to hug her? What happened to her after we left?" I sigh.
"I don't know man, I don't know. Let's just head to sleep for now." He nods so we both head upstairs and to our separate rooms.
I change into some boxers and slip into bed.
"What happened to you, Rose. We will fjnd out." With that thought, I drift off into an uneasy sleep.
Yes I know am a terrible updater but am sorry :<
Hope you liked this chapter♡
Sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes.


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