Ch-22: Photograph

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I yelp as the sizzling pan burns my hand but I don't give any mind to it. All I do is pick up the eggs that fell on the floor or he will kill me. I hear his footsteps come down just as I finish picking up the eggs and put them back on the pan.
"What the fuck are you doing?" He growls out.
"C-cooking." Damn you stutter.
"You dropped those eggs, didn't you?" He says, dangerously calm.
In a flash he is in front of me, gripping my face so hard it hurts.
"Don't lie to me bitch. You shouldn't have lied to me. I will teach you a lesson."
I whimper and start shaking my head no.
He just clamps his hand over my mouth and takes off his belt. Then he pushes me onto the floor and starts beating me.
Hit after hit. I don't let a sound come out of my mouth.
He then stops. I thought that was the end.
I was wrong.
He then yanks me naked and forces himself into me.
He then starts touching me.
And then his lips come-

I wake up shaking and covered in sweat. I take deep breaths to calm myself down.
First time I was raped. I was nine.
I think as get out of bed and head down stairs to get a glass of water
As I walk down stairs I hear voices.
Ugh what now.
Not paying attention, I walk to the fridge and take out a chill bottle of water and pour it into a glass. Turning around, I see Elijah and Lucas, staring at me intently.
"What?" I ask them after a while.
"What are you doing up? It's almost 3 in the morning." Elijah asks.
"I woke up. What about you guys?"
"Couldn't sleep either." Lucas says. I just nod as we fall into a silence. I quickly down my water and putting the glass in a sink, I mutter a goodnight to both of them and head back to my room. Just kidding. I head to the music room that my eyes fell on before and decide to play the piano.
I sit at the Piano and after fumbling around aimlessly for a while, I take a deep breath and close my eyes, letting my fingers guide themselves into playing the melody of a song. But not just any song. Tears pool behind my eyelids as I realise which song it is. Photograph by Ed Sheeran. It is my mom's favourite song. Or was.
I let my fingers play the whole song from the start till the end.
As I stop I hear claps behind my back.
I turn around after wiping my tears and I see Elijah and Lucas there, clapping.
"That was really good. Where did you learn to play like that?" Lucas asks me.
I put up my cold up front and walk out the door.
"Self taught." I simply say and head back to my room.
School doesn't start for a couple more hours so I decide to just get a shower and get ready.
I take a long, relaxing bath and then slip into a knitted beige coloured oversized sweater and some ripped jeans and some beige boots. I put my hair up in a messy bun and pack up my phone and my mom's and pack my bag. By the time I am done with all this; it's only 5. So I decide to clean my room.
After cleaning my room, it's still only 6. I sigh as I plop onto my bed, thoughts overcrowding my mind. Until one significant one pops into my mind.
"Should I leave the gang." I am shocked at myself.
Wait what? Why would I?
I sigh and sit back down on my bed.
I don't think I can. I admit that thought is indeed tempting because after the first few months in, it started feeling weird and wrong. But I don't think I have a way out. Not anymore atleast. And it gives me an adrenaline rush I crave. Who am I kidding I love being in the mafia, especially the mafia leader. But everything has its pros and cons.
I scroll through Instagram till it's 7 am. School starts at 8. I decide to do some light makeup and I head downstairs to find everyone already there. It's eerily quiet. Not that I am complaining. I take a snack bar from a cupboard and start munching it.
"Rose..." I look up.
"About yesterday..." I sigh.
"Don't wanna talk about it." I tell Alex and shrug. "Just an incident. Forget about it." I say as I get ready to head out the door.
"Were the things you said true?" He asks. The audacity. I just clench my jaw and nod and head out the door. Jeez so much for leaving the past behind.
Hey guys sorry if this chapter seems a bit rushed I am trying my best to get out at least one chapter out a week and I am also having double tuitions everyday so I apologize early for late updates 💞
Hope you guys liked this chapter<3

Sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes.


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