Ch-37: Reasons Why

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*takes place after they come out of her clinic room*

Elijah's POV

It hurts, to see my little sister being so cold and distant from us.
She's not telling us things, and seeming like she doesn't care.
I couldn't protect her. Again. But this time it's worse, I am one of the reasons why she did this to herself. I couldn't save her then, and I couldn't save her now. I am not a good brother. Never was. But I will try to be. I wanna be the brother she never had. I will help her. Because I love her. I really do.

Lucas's POV

It's so hard, to see her like that, and for her to not talk to us in the soft voice s . I don't like her like this, but what I don't like more is how I am one of the reasons why she is like this now. I wanna hold her and hug her, and tell her I am here and that it's gonna be okay, and to just let us in, so we can protect her. But she wouldn't let me. Not anymore. I messed up. Even though I love her, I hurt her.

Alex's POV

It's my fault! All my fault. I said we didn't like her, but truth is, we love her. I just never voiced that part. If I had, maybe she wouldn't be here now. Maybe she wouldn't probably be hating us now. All I want is to hold her in my arms, and hug her like the others. I wanna be there for her and see her achieve the things she loves. But I just mess up. I keep on messing up. I am one of the reasons why she is here, and it's eating me up. I love her, but I really fucked up this time. And there's nothing I can do. Or that's what I think. I hope she is gonna be okay.

Jayden's POV

It pains me, to see her not even talk to us properly. To know that I am one of the reasons why she is being so cold. I wanna buy her the stuff she likes, and he there for her through everything. I wanna protect her from all the bad boys, and comfort her during storms. But I can't even hold her. I love her, but I can't do anything about it.

Cole's POV

It seems like it's all my fault. If I could have found the video a little earlier, maybe I would have been able to stop this. I am one of the reasons why she did this, and I deeply regret not trying harder. I wanna take away all of her pains and put it on me, she's already been through so much. I wanna hold her and take away her pain, to let her weep and let it all out so she can feel better. I love her. I really do.

Rose's POV

Maybe they are thinking it's all their fault, or maybe not who knows. But honestly saying, it isn't. I did this because of my own mind, because of how my life is. It was meant to be, right? I should be gone, but I am not. One of the main reasons why I did this was because the voices were getting too loud. They kept eating at me, and I cannot do anything about them. I think I will be alright, but just not tonight. Or tomorrow. Or this week. Month. Year. I have no hope, I am just like a zombie walking around, no emotions no feelings. I will be like this. Because this is who I am.
Ya all-
13K reads four days after we hit 10K
Please I am dying oml ily all sm thank you 🥺❤
Sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes
Much lovex


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