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Rose POV
I follow behind them silently. No one says a word and we just slowly walk until we reach a set of double doors. The man from before with the deep voice opens the door and waits for us to enter. We enter and I eye him discreetly as I enter at last, him following after closing the door. There's a long table in the room along with many and I mean many chairs. I take a seat at the end of the table, near the door, so I can escape if needed, since I didnt hear him lock it.
"So..." Isla starts.
"Introductions first?" The man suggests and I just nod.
"Well you already know Isla and Bethy, I am Jim. Leader of the thorns gang." I am kind of shocked. I thought this gang didn't exist anymore.
"I know what you are thinking. Our gang didn't exist anymore. But after it was destroyed by the Russians, we rebuilt it. It's still small but it is here. We tried to make allies with our previous allies again but all our effects went into vain." I smirk at that.
"Well then I guess you found your favourite ally again." I tell him smirking.
He looks shocked.
"What do you mean?"
"Aw you don't remember me? Ouch. Rose. Rose Woods." I tell him and a sense of recognition passes through his face.
"Oh my god. Rose! It's so good to see you again!" He pulls me into a hug. I don't like hugs but Jim feels like home.
"Wait..." I say.
"Wasn't your name Jack?" I ask him. He smiles.
"It was." He gives no further information from that and I don't probe.
"But how are you here?" Isla asks me.
So I tell them you everything that has happened. Till now.
"Wow." Bethy says and the other two just nod.
"How about you guys?" I ask them.
So they tell me their story.
Apparently after they moved they were struggling financially. So they started to fight until they were accepted into the gang and then well here they are.
"Hell of a story huh." I tell them as I lean back onto my chair. They just nod.
"Well I have to go though, so can I? My brothers might be worried and I lost my phone during this whole thing." I chuckle as they all laugh.
"Sure we can give you a ride." Isla says as we stands up.
"Hey Jim here's my number for any gang stuff. Or just in general." I say as I write it down for him on a piece of tissue paper. How convenient.
"See you, boss." He chuckles and this time I laugh as Bethy, Isla and me head out to their car.
As I said, I didn't have time.
Time to catch up with them.
But for now, it will have to do.
hi sorry this chapter was so anticlimatic!
This story is ending soon with a kind of rushed ending because I really wanna end this story so I can start another one. This story ends today!
Thanks for all the support for this long

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