Ch-24:Finding out

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Rose's POV

I head to the underground fighting arena and after parking my bike I head inside. Spotting Will at his usual place behind the bar, I head upto him and drink a shot of whatever was in front of him. Bad choice. Cheap whiskey. Yuck.
"Hey how you doing, eh?" Will asks as I put on my skull mask. I can't let anyone find out who I am.I have my disguise, but just to be safer than usual, just because I fell like it. There are people out there who want revenge. Revenge for me being a better fighter than them. As if they will ever get it.
"Doing good. It's been a while though."
"Indeed it has. Well you are up soon anyways. Anything to drink?"
"Nah am good thanks though Will." He just nods and heads to the back of the bar. I go to the changing rooms and quickly change into a grey hoodie and some dark blue tracks with my nike sneakers.
Just as I get out, I hear my name being called.
I calmly walk into the circle and the whole crowd erupts into cheers. I smirk. Quite a fan club I have got, aye?
I stand as I wait for my contestant to get into the circle with me. But then I see them. I freeze in my spot as my eyes fall on them.
My brothers.
What are they doing here?
I make eye contact with them through my mask and for a moment I feel like I am exposed. But then I breath a sigh of relief as their eyes pass away from mine.
After that mini encounter with my brothers, I finally take in my opponent's appearance whose name I failed to listen to. Oh well he's gonna lose either way.
He's well built with 6ft or so height. But I am better. I smirk as the referee counts us down. In usual fights shown on TV and other stuff, we would have gloves and protective gear. But here it's no where near those fights shown on digital screens. Here, you fight bare. If you are injured, you are injured. Dead? Dead. End of discussion.
Anyways back to the fight. He pounces on me just as the referee says go.Or atleast tries to. I smirk. Wrong move. I duck as he tries to go for my hand. I take a hold of his ankle and twist it, making him roll into the floor. But he is quick to get up. I am impressed. Just slightly,though. He then throws numerous punches at me but I dodge each one. He might be good, but I am better. I swiftly move from front of him and to his back. Before he even has a chance to react, I take his hand in a tight grip and turn him around, effectively kicking his knee and making him drop down. Then I get on top of him and punch him thrice in the face. I get up as I realise he is not about to get up anytime soon. Oh well. Bad bet, buddy.
"Today's winner: BLACK SKULL!" The referee announces and I hear whoops and cheers all around. I look around and spot my brothers cheering as well. Weird. Why are they here anyways? I shrug it off. I get out from the ring as two of my opponent's friends, I suppose, come to help him. I go to Will to collect my money.
"Here winner. 10 grand." He says as he pushes an envelope full of money to me.
"Thanks Will. Instead of three fights imma do just two, is that okay?" I ask him.
"Yeah of course. The second fight is with your previous opponent's friend."
"What was his name anyway?" I ask Will, nodding my head towards the now waking up guy.
"He goes as Thunderstrike." Ah the newbie. Almost didn't recognize him, even after last time. And next you will be fighting against Scarface." I crack a laugh at that.
"What kind of name even is that?"
"Apparently he has a scar across his face, hence the name." Will and I both crack up as my name is called again.
"Go get 'em." Will winks at me and I nod and smirk. I sure will.
I get into the ring again and this time instead of the previous guy, it's one of his friends. Good built but maybe a bit shorter than the previous one. Whatever, who cares.
Just as the referee ends his countdown, the guy tries to go for my face with a punch, with full force. Keep in mind, tries. I easily dodge it and he stumbles a bit to the front. This fight will be easy.
I quickly take a hold of his leg, pulling him down into the floor with full force just as he throws a punch to my face. Oh well that will just leave a mark. I twist his arms behind his back with my right hand and press a spot on his neck with my left hand. He passes out. That spot always works. I get up and the referee announces me the winner. Again.
I hear cheers and whoops again and after I collect my now twenty grand from Will, I take two shots of whiskey and head to the changing rooms. And my dumbass forgets to lock the door.
Just as I take my mask off and place it down, I hear a voice from the doorway.
I hope you guys liked this chapter x
Sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes <3


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