Ch-31: Secrets unveil

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I go downstairs and immediately notice the tense atmosphere. Of course. My story was so sad and pitiful and...intense, right? I internally roll my eyes.
"Hey hun..." My dad starts. I just give him a weary smile and start to notice things I didn't notice before about him. Like how his smile looks so forced and weary. Noticing small things like that comes from being a gang leader. But how did he know about me and dad's...moment? Or maybe I am overthinking all this. I sit across from both of them and beside my brothers.
It's deadly silent and no one is saying anything. And that's when I hear it; the steady sound of a gun getting clicked into place. No one else seems to pick it up so I react instantly.
"Get down!" I yell and even if everyone is confused, they listen to me and get down onto the floor just as the gunshot echoes in the crisp air. I look around and dash out the front door. All is silent again. I go back inside and everyone is still there, but they are all standing now, except 'mom and dad' ; they are both sitting on one of the couches, looking at me with shocked faces. The boys are about to ask me something but I don't let them.
I go to the people who claim to be our parents and I point my gun at them. I hear gasps and shouts of what are you doing and stuff.
"Who are you?" I ask them.
"Honey what-" the man starts.
"Who are you?!" I ask again, with much more power and force in my voice now.
"Are you out of your freaking mind?!" Alex yells at me.
"They are not who they say they are!" I yell back.
"And how do you of all of us know that?" he yells back.
"Al calm down-" Elijah starts.
"No don't tell me to calm down! Ever since she's come back everything has been messed up, and I don't even think her pity story is true! And how does she know they aren't our real parents, huh?" He yells looking at me.
The part about my story not being real hurt.
"Wait here." I tell them and head to the kitchen.
I remember 'dad' being in the living room when we found him but when I was in the kitchen earlier I found something that I hadn't mentioned yet. I read it but it was pushed to the back, maybe the hope of my parents actually being alive made me forget. But either way, here's proof.
I grab the note from earlier and shove it and I mean literally shove it in Alex's face.
"Read it out loud." I tell him emotionlessly.
"They believe I am their dad. They should believe she is their mom, too. " He reads out loud and shock is evident on his face.
"I will ask you one last time. Who are you? "  I ask them.
Before they could say something, I hear a loud gunshot across the crisp and silent night.
That brings us all away momentarily from the situation in front of us and they take that chance.
They both get off and run towards the back door.
"Get them!" I yell to the guys and run after them as they run too.
Being a gang member and having been expertly trained, I outrun the boys but I did not follow the man and woman into the woods because 1: it's dangerous to go there after them alone, and seeing from the gunshots, they bought backup and 2: I need to talk to my brothers.
We head back to the house together. I scan the perimeter twice with Elijah and then head inside.
One thing is now clear: our parents aren't actually alive, and people are after us.
Or should I say;
After ME.
Hope you guys liked this chapter :)
sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes.
also,we are already so close to 7K reads what? This is insane!
I am also really close to 1.2K on my insta, so please follow that if you want to I write a lot there  :D
Much love x 


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