Ch-18:New school

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I wake up groggily to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. Ugh.
It's 5 in the morning and apparently school starts at 8. Great
I get out of bed take a cold shower and slip into a lilac hoodie and some black sweats and my plain white nikes and tuck in a knife and gun with me.
I head downstairs and see that Lucas and Elijah are already there.
"'Morning." I say as I grab an apple and bite into it.
"Good morning. Where you off to?" Lucas asks.
"Morning jog. Don't worry I will be back after an hour."
"Be careful." Lucas says. I nod. After waving them a brief goodbye, I head outside and start my jog.
After approximately 35 minutes or so, I come across a dark alleyway. Oh hell nah. Not today, ma'am.
Cautiously jogging across, I see two men come out from behind a dustbin in my peripheral vision. Not today, boys.
Before they can attack me, I turn around and taking the first man by his wrist, I twist it until he is laying on the road, groaning in pain,clutching his wrist. As for the second one, he has a gun, so I take out my knife and stab his hand. His gun clatters to the floor as he grunts in pain. And I run. Not because I am scared lol no but I saw more men coming out from a car behind them. I can take 4 at the most but there were almost 7 or something. I dash back towards the house and head in, all out of breath. What was a 30 minute walk back became a 10 minute run.
"What the hell are you so out of breath for?" Alex asks.
"Found people from another gang I guess . Had to run before their number increased. "
"Are you okay?" Jayden asks.
"Yes. I will go get ready for school now." With that, I head upstairs.
I take a warm shower this time and slip into a yellow hoodie with some black skinny jeans and my air force ones. I tuck a knife into my jeans and taking my phone and my other supplies, I head back down stairs.
"Ready?" Jayden asks. Oh I forgot they were coming too. Oh well.
"Hold up."
I quickly take out my phone and hit call.
"Hey Jade. You, Madie and Nyle going to school right?"
"Yeah well meet you guys there cus am starting as well. You wanna ride together? Come over we are about to leave. Okay."
I shut the phone and look at the boys.
"Well you guys can go ahead me and my friends will follow." Just as I say that, I see the three familiar bikes pull up to our driveway. Damn that was way too fast.
"Never mind then." I laugh as the boys get into their car. I hug my friends and after getting on to my bike and strapping my helmet on, all of us take off.
*time skip to when they reach school*

Third Person Point Of View

Everyone falls silent as they see the familiar woods' car park into their usual spot.
But what's more intriguing is the new bike that follows the usual two behind them.
They watch as the girl opens her helmet and walks upto the Wood's brothers.
But little did they know, this new girl is the reason chaos will come and the reason things will change. Alas, she will rule Lake High School now. Beware everyone, Rose Woods is on the grounds.
Hi I am alive😂💕
Hope you guys liked this chapter 💕
Sorry for any typos or grammatical mistakes❤
And do you guys still want me to continue this? Let me know🥺

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