Tristan x sick reader

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Why is it that Tristan looks better like this than he does with his regular hair? Anyways, enjoy!

You got up one morning and felt that your forehead was really warm. You went to the medicine cabinet in your room and saw the thermometer before you took your temperature. You saw that you were running a fever of 100 degrees and sighed. You didn't want to miss being with your boyfriend, Tristan, so you ignored being sick and got on your coat and scarf before heading out the door to see Tristan.

When you got to the castle, Gilthunder nodded and let you in, smiling as you thanked him. You felt tired, so you walked slower than usual. Tristan spotted you and immediately noticed that you were walking slowly. He wrote it off as you being tired and told his grandfather that he had to go. Bartra nodded and told Tristan to tell you that he said hello. The prince nodded and ran to get to you, stopping when he saw that you looked very tired. You had on your scarf and the jacket that he gave you for your fifteenth birthday. He smiled, holding his arms out for you to hug him. You melted into his embrace as he rested his head on top of yours. Tristan took your hand and led you to the armory as he grabbed his jacket and scarf. He also grabbed his and your gloves. You had left them at the castle after your last visit, so you were glad to have them back. It was very cold during the winter months in Liones. You put them on and then followed the prince to the stables, where the two of you picked the horses you would ride. Tristan picked your favorite horse and put a dual saddle on the mare before he helped you get on. He then saw Gilthunder and waved. The Holy Knight walked over to his nephew. "So, where are you two headed?" he asked. Tristan smiled as he spoke. "We're going to the lake to ice skate. Could you tell my father that I'll be gone for a few hours please?" he asked. Gilthunder sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Fine, but stay safe. The ice might break, and can be thin in some places. Promise me that the two of you will be careful." he said, looking him dead in the eyes. Tristan nodded before the two of you started toward the frozen over lake. When the two of you got there, the ice looked thin on a few patches, but other than that looked safe. Tristan looked back and told you that the two of you shouldn't ice skate today, making you nod before the two of you trekked back to the castle. It was pretty close to night time, so you were worried. Tristan had you sit behind him as he held the reins. He took off at a gallop to get back faster as you hugged him from behind. He felt your forehead pressed against his back and realized that you were sick. Fortunately, the horse had wings, it just didn't really use them often. He squeezed the horse's underbelly, making its wings unfurl as you held on tighter to his back. You felt yourself being lifted as you were set in the prince's lap. Your body was exhausted, so you fell unconscious after a few minutes.

When you woke up, you felt warmth wrapped around you, and opened your eyes to see that Tristan and Elizabeth were healing you. You had a fever, and they were trying to heal you. Tristan had his eyes shut tightly as he concentrated fully on healing you. After he saw that you were awake, he tugged on Elizabeth's sleeve, causing her to stop. You looked at the two and smiled sheepishly. Elizabeth told Tristan to stay with you as she left to get back to her duties as queen. You were about to speak when Tristan held on tightly to you, tears rushing down his cheeks as he hugged you. "Please tell me next time you get sick. I want to help you, (Y/N)." he said. You smiled, cupping his cheek in your hand. You kissed him on the forehead, making him turn red faced. "I suppose that it's ok, just please tell me next time." he said, his cheeks glowing with a cherry red tint. He got a cold towel and put it on your forehead before he sat next to you. He got you a glass of water and then hugged you once more, resting his head against your chest. His entire face and even the tips of his ears were bright red as he relaxed. Of course, nothing lasts forever. Meliodas walked in and spoke. "Well then, what was that about me touching your mother again?" he said, startling Tristan and making him fall over. "At least I don't harass (Y/N) like you do to mother, thank you very much." he said, annoyed. He looked back over and saw that you were asleep. "We should get medicine for her, she's got a fever. Could we maybe get Merlin's help?" he asked, turning to Meliodas. He nodded and then left to get the mage from Camelot. When he got back, he saw that Tristan was also asleep, his hand holding yours. The demon chuckled to himself before he went to find Elizabeth, slowly and quietly closing the door behind him.

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