King x mother reader

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Hey guys, this was requested by @xxOfficialWeebZoexx as a continuation of Worry Wart. Hope you enjoy!

You shot up from where you were resting as you felt a pop inside of you as a pain shot through your midsection. You shook your husband awake very quickly, but to no avail. You then pulled slightly on his wings, making his eyes shoot open as he scowled at you. "Harlequin, the baby!" you panicked, making his eyes widen as he picked you up and flew as fast as he could to a black hound outside of his room. Ezra, one of Oslo's friends, agreed with your husband to stand guard outside of the room while the two of you waited for your child to come. That time was now as the fairy tapped the hound on the muzzle from behind before pointing to your shaking form in his arms. The hound grew to a massive size and opened his mouth, making a portal into which you and your husband dropped down gently into. Your husband yanked open the doors to Elizabeth and Meliodas' room and shouted at them to wake up. They were both up in an instant, running with the two of you to get to the hospital wing as you whimpered in pain.

Once you and your husband got to the hospital wing, the nurses were quick to take notice of the situation and get to work on calming down. They knew you, so they were even more careful with you. They gave words of encouragement as you screamed in agony. They took off your pants and then draped a blanket over you before the youngest of the nurses ushered the two men out the hospital wing doors and closed them in their faces. Your husband was beyond worried at this point, like he usually was. There were a lot of emotions he was experiencing at the moment. He felt nervous, scared, and emotionally exhausted from all of this happening in one night. He leaned against the wall he was standing closest to as he heard you scream in agony. It took all of his self control and willpower to not burst into the room to make sure you were ok. However, the moment he heard a particularly loud scream from you, that self control left him as he tried to open the doors, only to be held back by Meliodas so that he didn't get in. "She'll be ok, King. The place a woman gives birth isn't any place for a man to be. The doctors tend to the guys while the women tend to the other women, ok? (Y/N) is a strong woman, she'll get through this for sure." he said. However, he let go of the fairy after your cries of agony went silent, only to be replaced by a soft gurgled cry. His eyes widened as a disheveled midwife came out panting. "Is she ok, is the baby ok?" he asked, his face white with fear. The lady sighed before speaking. "She's a very strong lady, that's for sure. It was a bit of touch and go for a while, but she's going to be ok." she reassured him. However, he wasn't done speaking. "What about the baby?" he asked, concerned. The nurse gave him a soft smile before motioning for the two to follow him, stopping Meliodas from going too close. "Let them have a bit of space, they need it Sir Meliodas." she said, looking at you with a soft smile. Harlequin wrapped his arms around your exhausted form and held you close as you hugged him back. The male then looked over at the small crib beside you, picking up the small baby wrapped in a blue blanket and looking at him for the first time. You had fallen asleep by now, and the nurses had left with Elizabeth, leaving the two of you alone as tears fell on the blanket. Those honey golden eyes, so much like his, but at the same time entirely different from his own. They were new, having no idea what the outside world beyond this room looked like. Everything else was background noise to him in that moment, as if the small being in front of him was the only thing that mattered at that point in time. He chuckled softly as the baby's small chubby hands grabbed at a tuft of his ginger colored hair. He smiled softly at the baby as he held the small being close to him. "I can't wait to see who you become." he said, setting the baby back into his crib before resting on Chastiefol next to the two of you, watching over you and your baby as the two of you slept peacefully.

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