Seven Deadly Sins guys headcanons

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Ban headcanons (fairy reader)

Probably the protective type over you.

He's been through a lot, so he's going to make sure you never experience what he had to go through during his childhood.

He would likely be a bit more open on PDA. Likely even more so if he felt threatened by someone flirting with you.

He loves your lap. The way he can just lay down and fall asleep on your lap is one of his favorite things to do.

He loves your soft little hands and how they fit in his.

He's like a pillow if you need one. He'll lay your head on his chest and let you sleep if your pillow is missing or if you want to lay down on him. He doesn't mind.

King headcanons (fairy reader)

He loves to braid your soft hair. He also LOVES to brush it and run his fingers through it.

He loves how you look so interested in the books you read, and occasionally brings you tea to drink if he's getting himself some.

He's very restricted when it comes to PDA, unless someone flirts with you. Then, he'll hold your hand or kiss you on the cheek to make the other guys get the hint.

He'll let you sit or rest on Chastiefol literally ALL day long if you want to.

He loves how you always hum to him softly until he falls asleep with his head on your lap.

Like mentioned before, PDA could kill this boy. If you hold his hand at random, he'll turn beet red. If you kiss him, he'll faint right then and there.

He adores your hands and how small they are. He loves to hold them.

Still a protective boy when he needs to be.

Meliodas headcanons (human reader)

Can we just say that he LOVES to sit on your lap. Like DANG, he LOVES your lap.

More open on PDA than even BAN. He shows it even more so when someone flirts with you.

Lets you lay your head on his chest whenever you feel like it.

Knows you need your space and doesn't try to grope you.

All in all loves you.

Helbram headcanons (fairy reader)

Loves how you always sing for him.

He adores watching you make flowers grow, giving you seeds and letting you plant them and let them shoot up as beautiful blossoms and buds.

When it comes to PDA, he's like a guard dog. He'll gladly pull you into his lap if he senses that someone threatens his relationship with you when you get flirted with.

He hates when you are stuck trying to decide between different books to read and what to write in stories of your own. He also hates it when you don't know what to draw.

He LOVES to watch you draw pictures. He always loves it when you try to get every detail right, and even gives pointers like "the posture is a tad bit too stiff, but you're doing great"

Like Ban, Helbram LOVES to rest his head on your soft chest. He just lays there in your gentle embrace, listening to you sing him to sleep.

Most likely guarding you like his life depends on it if he senses danger is nearby because this blonde has just lost too much.

Gilthunder headcanons (human reader)

Tries his best to make time out of his day to spend with you.

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