Arthur x reader fluff

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Arthur had little to NO experience with girls. That being said, when he realized that you weren't at breakfast, he got worried, and went to check up on you. When your boyfriend got to your room and heard you groan, he swung the door to your room open and saw that you were clutching your stomach, tears falling down your cheeks. Arthur didn't know what was happening, so he picked you up and gently hugged you close to his chest. You saw that he had taken your freezing cold hands into his warm ones and then untwined your fingers from his. You then took his warm hand and put it on your stomach, sighing as the cramps you were experiencing subsided and the pain went away. A light shade of red had settled on the young king's face as he gave you a questioning look. "That time of the month." you mumbled in an explanation. Your boyfriend then got up and went to Merlin. "I'll be right back." he said as he shut the door. As soon as the door to your room was closed, he ran as fast as his legs would carry him to Merlin's lab. When he got there, he saw that the Sorceress was eating her lunch. "Arthur? What are you doing here your Highness?" she questioned. "What is That time of the month?" he asked. Merlin then turned around and faced the king. "Come again?" she asked. "That time of the month?" he repeated. The mage sighed and then told him what that meant before it hit her: it was that time for you this week. "Let me guess, (Y/N)'s in the middle of that, isn't she?" she asked. Arthur nodded and saw Merlin get up and head into another room to get something. When she came back out, she was holding a bag with some boxes in it. "Give these to (Y/N)." she said, handing the bag to your boyfriend. He was about to leave, but turned around and faced Merlin once more. "What helps with the cramps?" he asked. "Heat." she said.

When Arthur got back to your room, he had a plate of (F/F) that he had gotten on the way to your room so that you could eat. He set the plate on the nightstand and then put the bag in the bathroom before he looked over to your now sleeping figure. You stirred and then opened your (E/C) eyes and looked directly into his purple ones. You smiled and then reached your hands out, motioning him to come to you. You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him close to you, resting your head on his shoulder. The young king smiled and turned his head and kissed your cheek, making you blush a light pink color. He then flipped the two of you over to where he was the one holding you before he wrapped his arms around your waist and fell asleep soon after.

Hey guys, sorry this came out so late and sorry that I've been basically dead for like a week. I've had very little motivation to write and have writers block, making it worse. Hope you guys enjoyed this oneshot!!!

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