Mael x pregnant reader

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I felt the instinct to write this because I love this soft bby so much. Anyways, have a happy Thanksgiving and enjoy!

You loved the winter, specifically because you and your husband, Mael, always would stay huddled up close to one another whenever you got cold. Mael was at the grocery store getting some food for the two of you. You were buried under blankets and pillows as you stroked your swollen stomach with a soft smile on your face. "Don't worry, your father will be home soon, little one." You whispered to the being growing inside of you. Your body was exhausted due to the fact that you were seven months pregnant and your mood swings were terrible. You felt so stressed at the thought of having your first child that you had been getting very little sleep, which was not good for the baby. You had on one of Mael's jackets that swallowed your smaller frame entirely. Your husband always thought you looked adorable in his clothes, so he never really minded. You pulled the covers over you and soon fell into a deep sleep after what seemed like an eternity of restless nights, waiting for your husband to come home.

Mael got to the door of his home and fitted the key into the lock before turning the lock and opening the door. He closed the door behind him and locked it again as he discarded his coat and scarf on the coat rack at the door. He listened for any sounds, and panicked slightly when he heard none. The growing tension had been awful before he got to his shared room with you. When he saw your sleeping form inside of the pillow fort, he let out a relieved sigh, thankful that you were ok. The male gently shook you awake, taking care so as not to scare you as he handed you a bottle of water. You sipped the water before setting it on the nightstand and laying back down to try to get some more sleep. Your eyelids felt as heavy as rocks to you at the moment, so you weren't exactly happy that your husband woke you up. He saw how tired you looked by the very dark circles under your eyes. Mael then gently pulled you onto his lap as you woke up a little more this time due to the slight annoyance you had towards whatever had disturbed you from sleeping. You looked up and scowled at your husband before he put you gently back down on the bed and comfortably under the covers. He had a sheepish grin on his face as he looked into your (E/C) eyes with his deep sea blue ones. Your scowl got worse as you turned over and tried to get back to sleep. Your husband got into the bed with you and tried to get a blanket from you, making your eyes shoot open as you looked at him. He sighed as he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead before he held you against him, letting you rest your head against his warm chest. Mael chuckled at how adorable you looked like this. His jacket was starting to slip off of you, and he didn't want you to be cold, so he gently laid your head back on the pillows before he fetched you one of his tighter shirts for you to wear. He gave you the shirt and turned around for you to change. When you had changed into the shirt, your husband turned back around and looked at you. It was a short sleeve shirt, so you were clutching your arms and shivering violently as he rushed over to you. The male rushed over to you and wrapped you up in a warm embrace as you sighed. He then looked down at you. "I shouldn't have come in. If I didn't, then you'd have gotten more sleep. I'm sorry (Y/N)." he whispered into your hair. You looked up at the Archangel before you gently kissed him on the lips. You were too tired to argue with him, so you laid back down on his chest and dozed as he looked at your sleeping figure. He then rested his head on his pillows and soon fell asleep with you in his arms.

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