The Sins and co. during Quarantine with their (S/O)

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Ban could handle danger, but not this kind.

He actually shuts up and helps you stay active because he has to as well given that he's a Holy Knight of Liones.

He also obviously also makes delicious food for you to eat so yeah.

This boy actually listened to the warnings of having to go into quarantine and such.

Whether you like it or not, you are staying in quarantine with the rest of the Sins at the Boar Hat.

You still get to travel and stay safe. It's a win for win.

He definitely opens up to you even more given that you two spend more time with each other.

Quarantine with Ban is in all pretty good.


One word: PANIC

King is always panicking and checking the inventory of the tavern if the two of you get stuck there.

Will try to reassure you that it's going to be ok but can't even reassure himself.

Poor bby is so scared.

He eventually calms down after some comforting reassurance from you and some hugs and cuddles as well.

Will gladly accept any requests to train with you to stay active.

He becomes slightly braver during quarantine to the point where he can kiss you without you having to initiate it.

Sweet bby would sleep even more if you would let him.

He would also spend the time he has with you doing your hair and getting better at it.

All in all, Harlequin would make sure you're safe during the quarantine.


This short blonde leprechaun can handle this kind of stuff given that he is literally chill through everything.

He obviously gets much more touchy feely of you.

And Hawk is still there to stop him from doing so.

Will give you kisses wherever you want because he still sort of drinks his respect women juice.

He will also drag you out of bed to train when he gets up to do so even though he wants you to sleep.

He will also make sure that you're staying healthy.

Meliodas is a good person to be quarantined with.


He wants you to be healthy and happy. So he's going to drag you over to his house for the quarantine.

He will have lots of games and activities to do while the two of you are stuck at his place.

This fairy will give you lots of hugs and will become a big softie for your love towards him.

He's always been pretty distant, so he's going to make up for it with hugs and affection.

Helbram will be the one to go out to get supplies because he doesn't want you to run the risk of getting sick.

All in all, quarantine with Helbram is full of love and affection.


Gilthunder will throw you in the castle and literally slam the doors shut.

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