Tristan x reader fluffy angst

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I got a request saying I should do a part two for the Tristan x reader aged up AU, so here it is. I usually don't do part two to many things but I had a plot in mind and got a request for it, so I figured why not. Anyways, enjoy!

You were walking back home from school one day when you saw that the Boar Hat was right next to the cliff you were walking past. It was still firmly secured in the ground, so you could visit. When you opened the door, you saw that Tristan and the other three Horsemen of the Apocalypse were there as well, along with a few of your other friends. You smiled when he took notice of you as the silver haired male ran up to you. He wrapped his arms around you and smiled, gently kissing you on the forehead. Whenever you brought up Tristan to your uncle, Ludociel, he always told you that he was trouble and that he would turn out to be more like his father than like Elizabeth. The other two Archangels other than your father, Sariel and Tarmiel, didn't know about him, so they thought that he was probably like Meliodas as well. You let go of your boyfriend and told the others that you had to go home to study for a test the next day. When you got home, you studied for about fifteen minutes before you went to bed to rest.

The next day, after you took the test in school, your uncle asked you to run with him for a bit. You accepted, not knowing that Tristan was going to be joining you. Ludociel hadn't really taken in the prince's facial features, so he didn't know what he looked like. As the two of you kept running, you saw Tristan run past, Sariel following fast behind him. You 'accidentally' tripped him, making the shorter Archangel look up at you with a glare. You saw Tristan vanish into the shadows and sighed internally. Sariel then pointed to the woods where Tristan disappeared and told Ludociel that he had seen a demon vanish into the shadows. Ludociel nodded and then took off after the prince, not knowing that it was him. You had gotten Zeldris, Gelda, Meliodas, and Elizabeth's contacts in your communication crystal, so you knew how to call them. You raced off to find Ludociel and your boyfriend, only to find that the two were nowhere in sight. You raced to the tavern, passing Ludociel on the way and making him take off after you to keep you out of harm's way. When he saw the tavern, he was confused, so he went to get Sariel and Tarmiel given that your father, Mael, was sick with a fever. You opened the door to the tavern to find that Tristan was setting out a batch of pies to cool off in the breeze. You hugged him from behind as he cut one of the pies into seven pieces. He gave you one as Sariel bursted through the door, tackling him to the ground. The Archangel watched as you tasted the piece of pie in horror before he saw that you were fine. "Mmmmm, it tastes really good, Tristan. I can't believe that you made this." you said, smiling. Sariel got off of the prince when he saw that you were here to visit him. Tristan handed him a slice before his cousin, Dante, walked down the stairs. "Oh, hey Tristan. Is that a pie?" he asked, slightly licking his lips. Tristan handed the half demon a slice before the door slammed open to reveal Ludociel and Tarmiel as they jump tackled Tristan to the ground. However, before they could chain him up, a hand grabbed the chains and melted them. You looked and saw that your father and Storm Pendragon were there and smiled. "Brother, don't do that. He's just a kid." he said. Ludociel's anger flared as he side stepped his brother and dragged Tristan out the door. "The Supreme Deity is going to love this." he said, a wicked smirk twisting onto his face.

The week flew by as Tristan's trial date came closer and closer. You had talked with The Supreme Deity, and she had said that three people that had the Archangels' respect had to attend and vote for Tristan's release from prison in order to get him out of trouble. You nodded and set off to Liones to get the people you would need.

When you got there, you immediately sought out princess Margaret, Ludociel's former vessel. You knew she wouldn't be happy with going to the Goddess Realm, but you needed her help. After explaining the situation to her, she told you that she would go with you. The two of you then rode to Camelot to find Merlin. When you got there, you were stopped by one of the knights, who didn't recognize Margaret. Once she said her name, the two of you were let in through the gates. You ran to get Merlin and sighed when you found her. She turned to you and spoke before you could. "Let me guess, Tristan is going to be on trial tomorrow and you want me to attend?" she said. You nodded, making her smile before she became serious once more. "I'll see about it." she said before the two of you left. When you got back to Liones, you saw Meliodas and Elizabeth waiting there for the two of you. You grasped her dress and begged her to help you. She smiled softly and shook her head. "Of course I'll help. Why wouldn't I, he's my son?" she asked, sarcastically. You nodded as you, Margaret, and Elizabeth set off for the Goddess Realm.

The next day, the three of you walked into the Supreme Deity's court to defend Tristan when you see Merlin waiting for the three of you at the door. She stops Elizabeth and Margaret at the door and tells them that they have to wait until they are called in to help you. They nodded and waited out of sight for the Archangels to go into the building. After you and Tristan were up at the stands, you nodded to your boyfriend as the Archangels walked up to the opposing stand. You saw that Mael wasn't there and felt a hand on your shoulder. This could be where I turn into a renowned embarrassment throughout the Goddess Realm or it could turn into a success. You thought as Ludociel spoke. "Ladies and gentlemen, here I present to you, a demon who has stolen from the goddess race with the darkness his people have used for millennia. I stand here to eradicate this threat as a part of the many that have tried to put us down into the dirt before him." he turned to you as you started to state your case. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I have multiple proofs against that, but I have no right to list them. I welcome in the three people who do have those rights, though." you said, gesturing to the door as Elizabeth, Margaret, and Merlin walked in. there were whispers about Merlin and many in the jury muttered her name as she took her place at the podium. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. I, the daughter of Bellialuin, can assure you that Tristan is the first of his kind to walk the earth. He is a half goddess, half demon nephilim from Liones and the prince of Liones as well. If you kill him, then you will be starting a war with the demons all over again. This time, I shall use both blessings that have been gifted to me to help the demons instead of all of you. It is a crime punishable by death to assassinate the prince of any kingdom." she said, looking up at The Supreme Deity. The Supreme Deity nodded and looked to the jury as they all stood. "We the people of the jury declare Tristan Liones innocent on all counts." they said, making you let out a sigh you didn't know you had been holding in. you looked at Tristan as his hands were freed from the chains that bound them together. You looked at him, smiling as he took one of your hands into his. You and your group then walked out and saw Margaret talking to Ludociel while Elizabeth backed her up. "I am going to list the things I have thought about you since the first time I heard your voice." Margaret said. "You are arrogant, selfish, rude, racist, assumptious, a pushover, a scumbag, and a piece of trash to those you meet." she said as she scowled at the Archangel. "To think I even thought of letting you take me as your vessel." she said, turning around and motioning for you to help her get onto her horse. Afterwards, the three of you left with Tristan flying behind you as Merlin teleported back to her lab. Once you got back to your house from Liones, you saw an apple pie on your desk with a note. The note read:

Dear (Y/N),

Thank you for helping me back there at the trial. I couldn't think of what to give you, so I thought that this pie would be nice to give to you. Hope you like it.


You smiled and took a knife to cut the pie. You slowly ate the pie to savor the delicious flavor. After you were done with the piece of pie, you wrapped it up and put it in your mini fridge in your room. You got into your nightgown and fell asleep, thinking about your boyfriend.

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