Orlondi x vampire reader

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Hey guys, this was another request that I can't find, but to whoever requested this thank you. This took me way longer than I expected it to, but it was worth it. Anyways, enjoy!

You were a vampire from Edinburgh, and had been summoned by King Izraf with your family and the other seven dukes of the vampire kingdom. Your father was very harsh on many, whereas you were very kind to most if not everyone you saw. You had been secretly dating Orlondi, Izraf's youngest son, for a long time, unable to get married because you had to be a suitress to the prince for a marriage to even be a thought in his father's head. Turns out, that was what today was about. There were various other vampire families who were nobles, such as the Earle, Shenmo, and his daughter, Mina. The girl was the most misbehaved person you had ever met. You smirked at the thought of Orlondi even thinking of choosing such a heinous woman as his wife. Of course, you didn't get too cocky, you didn't know who Orlondi would choose in all honesty. You still had your doubts about your relationship with the male. You were welcomed into the palace of the royal family and bowed respectively to Izraf when you were in front of him. He smiled a rare smile, glad that you knew who had your life in his hands at the moment. You went into the throne room and saw that Orlondi had been waiting there, his arms crossed, but smiling ever so slightly when he caught your gaze. Of course, Izraf didn't notice you had even looked his way, but he sensed someone's gaze on him for a few seconds. After everyone introduced themselves, Orlondi spoke. "You will be spending one hour with me. Should you do something that merits that the hour be cut short, then I will be walking you right back through this door. Does everyone understand?" he asked, causing everyone to nod. "Alright then, Lady Mina, please follow me." he said, deciding to spend time with you last. You watched as the Earle's very badly behaved daughter walked through the door with Orlondi... and walked right back through not two minutes later. The other girls snickered as you nodded and smiled. She left to go back home while you and six other women remained. One by one, they left within a few minutes until it was you and (F/N) left. You had been friends with her throughout your childhood to this day. After she walked through the door, you realized after two minutes that she was in there talking to Orlondi about you, talking about your friendship with her. The reason was that she knew the other girls had left because they insulted you. After those two minutes though, Izraf struck up a conversation, seemingly bored of waiting for his son to get back. "So then, as the first Duke's daughter, you must have some sort of wonderful attribute, right?" he asked, his eyes staring down at you. "Um, well, I can shapeshift, but that's not a very good ability, now is it?" you chuckled softly before hearing the door open and a happy (F/N) walk out. It had been about thirty minutes, which meant there was only one option left to stay: you. Orlondi walked up to you and held out his hand before leading you through the door to the inside of the castle. You had bever seen such a beautiful design in your life. The walls were made of stone, but they had designs carved into them as well. He led you through the intricately designed hallways before stopping at a garden and showing you the roses there. There were plants from the surface here as well, ones that looked absolutely gorgeous to you. There were flowers of every kind here, from roses to even wisteria trees as well. You heard a voice coming from the door, and turned around to see who it was. You regretted doing so when you came face to face with Ren, the oldest of Izraf's children. She was known far and wide for her bloodlust and even being able to take down goddesses by herself. She stared you down before looking at her brother. "So, this must be the harlot you were talking about coming here." she said, smirking. You looked down at the ground, not wanting to cause any trouble. She looked at Orlondi. "At least she's obedient." she commented, walking away as Gelda walked into the garden. When she saw you and her brother, she smiled. "Orlondi, is this (Y/N) by any chance?" she asked, causing him to nod his head yes with a smile. She walked up to you and tilted your chin up before smiling at you. "It's an honor to meet you. You are very lucky to have him." she said, then nodding to Orlondi before walking back out to go back to her chambers. After you were done with the tour, Orlondi walked you back to the throne room and called in the other women. Afterwards, he whispered something to Izraf and then sat in the chair next to the throne. Izraf held a diadem in his hands and nodded to Orlondi before speaking. "My son has come to the conclusion of who he shall choose to be his bride. I shall now call you forward." he said. With one last glance at his son, the vampire king nodded and then sighed. "Lady (Y/N), please come forward," he said, looking at you. You stepped forward as the other girls groaned in annoyance. You stepped in front of the male before feeling the diadem placed gingerly on your head by Izraf. "All of you. Please go outside, your carriages await you at the gates." he ordered. (F/N) smiled at you before nodding at you and waving before she walked out with the rest of the group. After Izraf told you to go wherever you wished in the castle now, you smiled and nodded before walking around with your now fiance. "So, you decided to choose me?" you asked, looking down at the blonde. He huffed. "Of course I did. Why wouldn't I?" he questioned, causing you to smile. Before he could say or do anything else, you leaned down and pressed your lips against his. "I can't wait for the future, love." you said, your voice barely above a whisper. He smiled up at you, his cheeks pink. "Neither can I." he said, knowing for sure now that you were the only one he would ever love.

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