Zeldris x reader fluffy angst

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You were sitting at your desk in the room that you and your boyfriend, Zeldris, shared. You had always hated the way you looked, and really tried to look as thin as the other girls that you were friends with like Diane, Elizabeth, and Merlin. However, you still thought you were too big, and thought that Zeldris didn't actually love you like he said. He probably confessed to me out of pity. You thought to yourself. Once you started down that mental path, you couldn't stop. Soon, your mind was flooded with the things you hated most about yourself.

My stomach is too big.

He's going to leave me for another girl.

He doesn't really love me.

Eventually, he's going to say he doesn't want me anymore.

These thoughts degraded you so much and made you worry even more that Zeldris would leave you for another girl. So when you didn't come downstairs for dinner on multiple occasions, your boyfriend got worried and tried to approach you about your eating habits.

Key word: TRIED

Whenever he questioned you on the subject, you brushed it off and told him that you had eaten earlier than the others, but that excuse could only work so many times. Eventually, you were rarely around Zeldris at all. One day, the youngest demon prince had had enough, and grabbed you a plate of (F/F) to eat and (F/D) to drink with it, and went upstairs to your shared room. When he went inside, he saw that you were reading a book that you had wanted to read for a while. You looked up from the pages and saw Zeldris's beautiful green eyes locked with yours. When you tried to look away, he walked over and set the plate of food on the table with your drink. He then took the book from you and marked the page you were reading before he closed the novel and set it on the dresser. You looked longingly at the book and then looked at Zeldris as you gave him the saddest looking puppy eyes you could muster. You had hoped it had worked, and it turned out that it kind of had an effect on him. He hated when you were sad, and always tried to cheer you up. He caved, but he didn't break, and left the book on the dresser where he had put it. Zeldris then looked at you and gestured to the food on the nightstand with an expectant look before he sat on your shared bed. However, you shook your head and then spoke. "Zel, I've already ea-" you started, but were interrupted by the prince. "Don't hand me that (Y/N). You've been in your room all day long, and I know that because I haven't felt your presence leave this room at all for the entire day. You've been starving yourself and I'm not letting you leave this room until you tell me why. I can and will wait ALL day if I have to." he said in a stern tone, causing you to flinch under his cold gaze and tense up in fear. Zeldris took note of this, and then moved closer to where you sat in the bed. He then handed you a bite of your food and made sure that you ate it. Your stomach was screaming at you to eat the entire dish, and you wanted more, but you still thought you were too big. You looked down as tears started to fall, and once they started, they didn't stop. Your boyfriend then started to panic as he hugged you into his shoulder, letting you lean into his comforting and gentle embrace. After you finished the food, you then realized that Zeldris still was waiting for an explanation, and you knew you had to tell him eventually. More tears started to fall as you spoke. "Zeldris, there are so many other girls who are much prettier than me. Why choose me when you deserve so much better?" you sobbed. The demon tensed up at this, and realized why you had skipped out on specific meals during the day. He then relaxed and hugged you close, resting his head on your soft chest. "Because you mean the world to me (Y/N)." he said. The young demon realized that he didn't give you very much attention, and he gently embraced you, making sure that you were comfortable. "I don't care what size your stomach is. That doesn't matter to me. I realize that I never show you any attention and I'm so sorry for that. But please don't think that I'm going to leave you, because I'm not (Y/N)." He said as a single tear slid down his face. "I love you too much to ever do that." he whispered. Zeldris laid down and dragged you down with him as he rested next to you, burying his face into your chest and closed his emerald green eyes. You smiled and tilted his face up to where he was eye level with you as he reopened his eyes. You then gently kissed him on the forehead, causing him to turn red and then hug you a little tighter. You closed your eyes as you fell asleep slowly. However, just before you fell asleep, Zeldris said something that warmed your heart. "If anything, it's me who doesn't deserve you (Y/N)." he said.

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