Mael x reader angst

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I literally wrote this on a whim because we all know Mael would be semi-dependent on his (S/O) if he ever had one. I figured that I would write this because Mael is my husbando and I love him very much. Anyways, enjoy!

You and Ludociel were cloud gazing one afternoon together because Mael was in the middle of training and nobody else wanted to go other than the Flash Grace and, of course, you. You had your eyes closed and you were dozing slightly when Ludociel's slightly deep voice spoke to you. "Hey, (Y/N), I have a dare for you." he said, catching you by surprise. Ludociel hated truth or dare or any kind of game where you relied on others or luck to be on your side. "Well, that's a first." you remarked. Surprisingly enough, Ludociel accepted that you were in a relationship with his younger brother pretty quickly. Of course, he threatened you with death if you ever hurt Mael, but that was because he cared about his brother. "I dare you to ignore Mael for the entire day tomorrow, just to see if he's semi-dependent on your affection." he said. You had also been curious as to how long he could go without attention, so you agreed to his dare and set off to get back home after the two of you were done cloud gazing. You bumped into none other than Mael himself on the way home, and ran up to him before you threw your arms around his neck and hugged him. He picked you up and spun you around before he set you down and held your hand in his. The two of you walked home holding hands the entire way. When the two of you got home, Mael got dinner started while you went upstairs and took a shower. After you had dried off your wings,(it took you awhile to do so) you walked down the stairs and smelled the delicious food that he was preparing for the two of you. He had made your favorite food, which he never really made because it took awhile to make. The two of you ate and then went upstairs once more to get ready for bed. After the Archangel got out of the shower, he got dressed and got into the bed with you before he pulled you close and hugged you against his broad and muscular chest. You wrapped your arms around his neck and then kissed him on the forehead as his head rested against your chest. Mael gently took hold of your waist and held you close as the two of you fell asleep.

The next morning, you woke up with Mael still holding on to you, his sleeping face was always adorable because if you woke him up, he would give you puppy eyes and ask you to cuddle for just a few more minutes, which turned into hours. You tried to get up from your spot in the bed, to which you were greeted with a warm hand grasping the back of your night shirt and pulling you back down onto the bed. You looked back into his deep sea blue eyes, almost getting swallowed by them every time you looked at him. He didn't have to get up for a little while, so he wanted cuddles. Even though you were dared to ignore him, you gave in and sighed before joining him in bed and snuggling into his warm chest before you fell asleep again.

When you woke up again, you saw that Mael was getting up from the bed and getting dressed. You caught a glimpse of his broad chest as he slipped on his long sleeve coat. After he had left the room, you got up and got ready for the day. After you were done, you went downstairs and saw that Mael was eating cereal because the two of you were out of eggs. He got the grocery list from off of the counter and added eggs to the list of items he needed to get. After he grabbed the list, he kissed you on the forehead as you poured yourself a bowl of cereal. He then left you for the morning. He had a break every now and then during the day so that he could see you. He had about three breaks a day. One after about every five hours or so just to see you. He loved everything about you. Your smile, your laugh, your personality, and the way you took control of a situation quickly and nearly effortlessly. He smiled when he thought of you every now and then. The other three Archangels knew the two of you were dating, and even tried to tease Mael about it, Sariel being the worst. "You are whipped dude." he commented one day. "Yeah, I am." Mael responded. You got your sketchbook out to draw and decided to draw an image of you and the four Archangels together. After you were done drawing, you set off to your favorite place to sit and read, write, and draw. There was a big field with a cherry tree in the middle of it. It was huge, so it provided a lot of shade for you to sit in. You thought about Ludociel's dare and then decided to go through with it. Though you didn't want to admit it, you knew that Mael was definitely semi-dependent on your affection. He always had fears whenever you were gone to get things from the store, and he also didn't really like it when you left him at the house, so he was going to hate this. You heard footsteps coming from behind you and looked up to see Mael walking towards you. He had two bags with him, one for each of you. They both had sandwiches in them and some fruit and nuts. He smiled as he set his beside you, taking out his sandwich and starting to eat. He saw that you weren't speaking and hugged you from the side as he buried his face in your neck, his stubble brushing against the sensitive skin. You tried to shield your neck, only for him to attack it with kisses. He laughed as he took in your flustered red face. You got up, took the lunch with you and went home. So much for peace. You thought. The Archangel watched as you left with a hurt expression on his face. He finished eating and got back up to get to training. When he got back to Ludociel, his brother was smirking at the paper he was reading. He saw Mael and smiled at him. "Ah, there you are. I figured that we could train together today instead of you and Nerobasta. If you don't mind that is." he said. Mael nodded and got his sword. While the two of them were sparing, Mael started to speak. "Hey, has (Y/N) seemed kind of... off, today?" he asked. The Flash Grace looked at Mael in confusion. "What do you mean?" he asked. "She's been ignoring me for the entire day, it worries me if I'm telling the truth." he said. Ludociel nodded and took in his brother's hurt look. "I'm sure she's fine, but maybe you said something or you did something to make her mad. Women are strange creatures after all." he commented. Mael nodded and the two continued to spar until he was done for the day. Mael said goodbye to Ludociel and thanked him for his advice on what to do and left to get home to you. He had to admit, he hated unnecessary conflict or confrontation, so he usually kept his problems to himself. When he turned the doorknob, he heard you humming softly and smelled his favorite food being cooked. You were making ravioli, and his favorite kind too. He looked in and saw that you were almost done and hugged you from behind. You finished and plated the food before setting it on the table for the two of you to eat. He ate his food and then put the plate in the sink before he saw you finish and go upstairs. He followed about a yard and a half after you because you were honestly scaring him. Thoughts ran through his head about what you were thinking. After you closed the door, he turned the knob and opened the door. He heard the shower turn on and closed the bathroom door before he sat on the bed to wait for you. When you were done, you walked out and saw that Mael had left the room to let you have some privacy. You changed and then opened the bedroom door so that he could get in. Once he finished in the shower, he came out of the bathroom with his pyjama bottoms and his short sleeve shirt on. He got into the bed with you and hugged you again. "Butterfly?" he called you by your nickname as he tried to get your attention. You gave him the side eye before turning back around to get to sleep. He hugged you close as you felt a single tear hit your back. You hated it when he cried, so you gently massaged his scalp and ran your fingers through his long hair. Tears cascaded down his face as he held onto you tightly. You rolled over to face your boyfriend before you cupped his face in your hands. "Did I do something wrong?" he asked, making you smile. You kissed him on the lips softly before you answered him. "Of course not Sunshine." you said. Mael buried his face in your neck and sighed as he took in the scent of your shampoo. "Then why have you been ignoring me for the whole day?" he asked. You pushed his head out of the crook of your neck and looked at him. "Ludociel dared me to. He said that you were getting semi-dependent of me, so he dared me to ignore you for the day." you muttered tiredly. The Archangel held you close to his chest, mumbling about how cute you looked when you were sleepy. Once your breathing had leveled out, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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