Meeting the parents (Mael)

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Mael was laying in the shade of one of the large oak trees near his house when his communication crystal started to glow. He picked the crystal up and spoke. "Hello?" he asked, not knowing that it was you. When he heard your soft voice on the other line, he smiled. "Hey Mael, so I know this might be sudden and all, but I really want you to meet my parents." you explained. Mael tensed up, he had seen your father, and knew that he wasn't exactly nice to people who wanted to date you. He had seen that first hand when a guy asked you out in front of your father. Your dad then laughed and kicked the guy in the shin. While the young man was whimpering and clutching his injured shin, your father leaned over him and spoke to where Mael could hear him. "Even if one of the Archangels wanted to date (Y/N), they couldn't get my approval for the life of me." he said.

Then there was your mother. As for her, she was the definition of kindness. Your mother would always bring water from the well in your town to the Archangels as a gift for protecting the Goddess Race. She would also bring them lunch on occasion as well, usually consisting of a sandwich and some sort of fruit. Your mother also had a soft voice like you did, therefore, she rarely ever yelled at people.

And then there was your older brother, (B/N). he didn't really like Ludociel because of the fact that he said that (B/N) wasn't ready to fight yet. Therefore, he obviously hated Mael just as much as his older brother. Way to go brother. Mael thought in his head. However, Mael's train of thought was interrupted when your voice came through the crystal once more. "Just think about it, Ok?" you asked. Mael then took the chance to speak. "O-of course, (Y/N). I'll think about it. Love you." he told her before he ended the communication. Mael then went home to see when his schedule didn't interfere with his plans. It turns out, his schedule was blank for the entire week, so he could go tomorrow if he wanted to. He then went to get his clothes ready for tomorrow. Mael was planning to wear a casual outfit, or just a nice short sleeved shirt and some new jeans, when he went to go see you.

The next day, Mael headed over to your house to go get you. When he got there, he knocked on the door and waited. As he did so, worries started to cloud his mind. What if they don't like me? What if they say I can't date her? What if she just wants me for my title as an Archangel? What if- stop. (Y/N) wouldn't do such a thing to you. She genuinely loves you Mael. He thought to himself. Just as Mael was about to protest to his self reassurance, your father opened the door and looked at the Archangel. "Well to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing none other than the Archangel Mael?" he asked sarcastically. The Archangel could practically feel the malice in your father's voice as he spoke. "I-i'm here to pick up (Y/N) sir." he responded. Your father leveled a glare at the youngest Archangel, and was about to speak when your mother took over. "(F/N), stop scaring the poor boy and let him in." she said. When Mael walked into the house, he saw that it was comfortable and tidy. He also saw your family picture above the fireplace that sat in the middle of the wall facing the rest of the town. When Mael looked into the kitchen, he saw (B/N) making a sandwich for himself, a blank stare in his face as he made the meal. When (B/N) turned around and saw Mael, his face turned from calm and happy, to furious and uncontent. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be training with the other three Archangels?" he asked derogatorily as his face held a glare. Just as Mael thought that he was going to be killed right then and there, you hugged him from behind, making him jump a little, then hug you back when he saw that it was just you. "So, you ready for our date?" you asked, loud enough for both your father and brother to hear. "Oh, um y-yes. Let's get going then, shall we?" he asked. You nodded and then walked with him towards the door. Just before the two of you got outside, your father pulled the two of you right back through the door. He then grabbed the collar of Mael's shirt and pulled his face close to where he could talk to him. "Listen to me and listen carefully. You will never, and I mean NEVER be able to date my daughter because of what your brother decided to say to my son. Got it buddy?" he said. Mael shook his head no and then spoke. "Last I checked, it isn't YOU who is in love with me, It's (Y/N). Second, it shouldn't be the father's decision if it isn't a person that the FATHER is dating. And third, I have no control over Ludociel or his actions. What do you have against your daughter dating someone? Do you want her to die alone?" he said. Your father then looked down to where his eyes were hooded. "It's because I don't want to lose her forever. I'm scared that she'll never come back to me again if she goes off on her own." Mael's eyes softened before he spoke. "Sure she'll leave, but that doesn't mean she won't come back. However," Mael looked over at you. "If you keep her here, then she'll go unannounced, and she won't come back." he said. "Fine," your father said. "I'll give you a chance, Archangel Mael. If she gets hurt during this date, then the blame is on you. Got it?" he asked. Mael nodded and then hooked his arm around yours as the two of you walked out the door, happy with the progress the two of you had just made.

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