Arthur Pendragon x sick reader fluff

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You took the thermometer out of your mouth. 105 degrees, and that meant that your boyfriend, Arthur Pendragon, would be worried about you and baby you like he always did when you were sick. You had just gotten out the door when Merlin saw that you looked flush for a winter day with snow nonetheless. That's when it hit her, you were sick. She looked at you with a worried look as you waved to her, and she was about to tell your boyfriend when you motioned to her that you didn't want her to tell Arthur about this. She sighed and then cleared her throat loud enough for Arthur to hear as he turned around. When he saw you, he ran up to you and then hugged you with his kind smile. "Hey (Y/N), how are you today?" he asked. "I'm good. You?" you questioned. The king said that he was doing well and that he was hoping that you would join him for a walk given that he had nothing to do for the day. You said yes and then put on your (F/C) sweater and your white scarf to hide the paleness of your neck. You were walking when you saw some beautiful Christmas roses lining the private gardens. The gardens were the only warm place in the entire castle thanks to Merlin's perfect cube around the enclosure. She modified the spell to where there was a door in the cube so that people could enter the place and stay warm. As you passed the gardens, you made your way over to the stables to ride horses. Arthur let you choose given that the two of you shared the same favorite horse. You obviously chose your favorite horse and then saddled the mare with your saddle. It had your name embroidered on the side because you didn't want anyone else using it. Your boyfriend smiled and then picked out his second favorite horse and saddled the stallion with his saddle. The two of you then set off at a trot so that you could get to your favorite place in the woods near Camelot. That was why Arthur had grabbed your ice skates as well as his own pair and tied them to his saddle. During the winter time in Camelot, the lake froze without fail. The two of you skated for a while until you got a little dizzy from overexerting yourself while you were sick. You walked over to your boots and took off the ice skates before putting the boots back on and telling Arthur that you were cold and were going back to the castle. You mounted your horse once more and then galloped off back to the stables. Given that no one was there at the time, and the side effects of your fever were getting worse, you collapsed on the new hay against the back wall and blacked out.

When you woke up, you squinted your eyes at the bright light in the room you were in. when you fully opened them, you saw that the light was coming from one of Merlin's spells. You looked over to your left and saw Arthur's hand holding your pale one tightly, tears streamed down his face as he looked into your (E/C) eyes with his beautiful purple ones. He gently hugged you close to his chest while he scolded you about how you should've told him that you were sick. He then turned to Merlin. "Could you give us some space please Merlin?" he asked politely. She nodded and then left the room to get back to her lab. You turned to Arthur once more as you spoke. "How long have I been out?" you asked. His face went white with fear, thinking that if he told you, you wouldn't be happy with what he said. He sighed. "About five days." he said. Your face went white as you tried to get up. However, your boyfriend pushed you back down onto the bed as he spoke. "As king of Camelot, I order you to stay in this bed until you feel better by my standards." he said as you realized that he meant that you had to go an entire day without a fever or a cold. You laid back on the bed and sighed deeply. "I'm sorry (Y/N), but I don't want you to get hurt by someone while you're vulnerable to attack." he said, his eyes brimming with tears once more. You hugged him tightly and lightly kissed him on his forehead, making him blush lightly. You then laid his head on your chest and soon fell asleep.

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