Sariel x reader angst

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Hey guys, just a reminder that I do accept requests until stated otherwise, so feel free to give me requests because my motivation is mostly from you guys requesting things. Anyways, enjoy!

You were sitting with one of the four Archangels, Tarmiel, in one of the fields near your house making flower crowns. You and Tarmiel had known each other for awhile, so he basically thought of you as the little sister he never had. He pulled a various array of pranks on you and he also loved to torture you during truth or dare. "Hey (Y/N), I have a challenge for you." he said, making you look up at him. You were one of the only few people who actually saw the three-headed goddess as an actual person. Your boyfriend, Sariel, always got onto you about Tarmiel's challenges, and how you could get in trouble one day because of them, but you never listened. "What's the challenge, Tarmiel?" you asked. He smirked. "I challenge you to ignore Sariel for the entire day tomorrow." he said. You thought for a minute before you decided to accept his challenge. He held out his hand for you to shake and you took it, shaking it before you finished making your flower crowns and left the three-headed Archangel to finish his.

When you got home, you saw that Sariel had made dinner for you, and was in the bedroom getting ready for the night. He went into the bathroom and turned on the shower before getting in. Once he was out of the shower and dressed, he went downstairs and saw that you were eating the food he made for you. He sat beside you and hugged your waist before he leaned against you. Once you were done, you got up and put the plate in the sink to wash it tomorrow. You then went upstairs to get in the shower as well. After you were in your pyjamas, you got into the bed and moved over to make room for your boyfriend. The Tornado Grace climbed in the bed and hugged you close, resting his head against your chest before falling asleep. You smiled and closed your eyes before you fell asleep as well.

The next day, you got up before your boyfriend and went out to get to your friend's house. The two of you had promised to hang out today, and do fun things together today. She didn't really like Sariel, but you told her that she was just being dramatic whenever she brought it up. You got to her house and threw your arms around her, hugging her. "Omg (F/N) it's been forever since we've seen each other last. How are you?" you asked. She said she was doing fine and then invited you into her house. After a while of doing stuff together, you saw that the sun was setting, and told her that you had to go. She nodded and told you to tell the others that she said hi. You said you would, and started on your way home.

On the way home, you bumped into Sariel, who asked how your day was. He was answered with silence and tried to start another conversation with you. "Are you ok? You aren't talking at all to me." he asked. You still didn't answer him, so he looked at you with a hurt expression before walking ahead of you to get home faster.

Once you got to your house, you saw that Sariel was making (F/F), your favorite meal. You almost thought to say something, but you decided against it, staying strong to Tarmiel's challenge to you. You headed upstairs to get ready for bed, turning on the shower and getting in before massaging the (F/S) shampoo into your hair. After you conditioned your hair, you turned off the shower and got dressed in your (F/C) matching pyjamas. After you got into the bed, you heard the door slowly open and close, making you think that Sariel might be angry. You felt a trembling hand grasp your shoulder as tears started to land on your sleeve. You looked up and saw that your boyfriend was crying before he tightly hugged you, burying his face into your neck as tears streamed down his face. "Why won't you talk to me?" he asked you, his voice soft and shaky. You gently ran your fingers through his hair, soothing him as he continued to cry. You hugged him against you, rubbing his back in soothing patterns as he calmed down. He stared into your (E/C) eyes as you spoke softly and smoothly to him. "Tarmiel challenged me to ignore you for the entire day. If I told you, it would've defeated the entire purpose." you explained. He nodded as he embraced you, resting his head against your chest like he had the night before. He then fell asleep in your arms as you hummed to him softly. You then stopped humming and went to sleep, holding him tightly in your arms.

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