Nasiens x fairy reader

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Did I use the same picture for this chapter as the one for the returning chapter? Yes. Did I forget who requested this and couldn't find them even after trying to during multiple different occasions? YES. Am I still posting this after a solid day of rewriting it because I absolutely LOVE Nasiens? Y E S. Why am I doing this? Because I love y'all. Anyways, enjoy!

You were a fairy from the Fairy King's Forest, and had been living in Echo Gorge for a while. Somewhere along the way, you had met Nasiens and grown to love him very much. When he told you he felt the same, you couldn't believe your ears, but you still immediately hugged him tightly. Now, you were traveling with your boyfriend and Percival, Donny, and Angalahad, the daughter of the duke of Sistania. You considered them to now be wonderful friends, and would gladly put your life at risk to protect them.

You walked with the group while looking at Nasiens. "Hey, you do realize we've got to pass through the Fairy Realm, don't you?" you questioned. Percival looked at you happily. "Really, does that mean we get to meet your family?" he asked. You smiled softly. "My parents died when I was young, so the Fairy King took me in until I was able to go out on my own and travel by myself." you held up your spirit spear turned pillow. "This spirit spear, Spirit Spear Honey Hive, was his gift to me before I left. Fairy King Harlequin can be very nice, though I think it's because he was close to my parents that he took me in specifically." you said, nervously laughing. You were starting to wander into the fogginess of the barrier that surrounded the Fairy King's Forest, and grabbed everyone's hands before the fog cleared to reveal your home forest. "It's not as small as Echo Gorge, but it's still comfortable and cozy nevertheless." you said, breathing in deeply as Gherade approached with Diane and Puora. "Um, (Y/N), why are there humans with you?" Gherade asked, causing you to smile. "Aunt Gherade, meet Percival, Donny, Anne, and Nasiens." you said, gesturing to each of them respectively as you listed their names. Diane smiled and waved your little group into the forest. After a while of walking, you came to the castle, and smiled at the memories that resurfaced after years of being locked away in your mind. Once Harlequin walked out of the castle, he smiled, and walked over to you before hugging you tightly. "Well then, to what do I owe the pleasure, (Y/N)?" he asked, causing you to smile softly. He had told you that your father was the first Fairy King, Gloxinia, and that your mother's name was Fairy Queen Violet. "I'm here asking at the last possible moment if me and my friends can stay the night here. I know it's a stretch and I'm pushing my luck, but please?" you asked, smiling nervously. He sighed. "Depends, are they loud?" he asked, causing you to frown slightly. "Ban gets louder than loud when it comes to being drunk and Meliodas is that way regardless." you pointed out. The fairy pinched the bridge of his nose, looking at the five of you before his eyes landed on Percival. "Sure, please, come in before any knights from Camelot show up and try to kill your friend over here." he said, pointing to Percival. With that, he asked the fairies who were preparing dinner for him to let him help, to which they told him to take it easy. He then asked that they also prepare something for the five of you. Once dinner had been served, you gladly ate with the others, then helping with the dishes alongside Nasiens. After you had finished, you all headed upstairs to go to sleep.

You had one room, with the bathroom being huge inside of it, and it also had a second floor, with another bed on it. You told the others that you and Anne would shower first, to which they nodded and watched as you went into the baths with Anne. After getting out, you dried off and let the boys go in. "I suggest you hurry so I can show you around." you called after them before receiving a chorus of 'ok' and 'alright' from the three of them. After about ten minutes, Nasiens came out with Percival and Donny after getting into his pyjamas that had been supplied by the fairies. After all of you were ready, you led them throughout the castle to where the gardens were, and saw Nasiens looking at each medicinal plant. He then looked at the moon rose. "That's a moon rose, they only grow here, but their main purpose is healing." you said. He looked at you before nodding softly and smiling. King then saw you in the garden with Nasiens and looked over at you. "No he can't have one of them." he commented, causing you to nod softly. After the two of you met up with the rest of the group, you then all went back to the bedroom. You and Nasiens stayed on your spirit spear while it was in pillow form, while the others stayed on the beds in the room. You laid down on the comfortable fabric while it was resting on the floor. Nasiens was asleep at this point, but pulled you close to him, resting his head against your chest subconsciously. Your face heated up and you blushed, hugging him back. You held him close as you drifted off, wondering what your journey would bring as you traveled to Liones.

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