Slader x pregnant reader fluff

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Thought I would do a oneshot for Slader because he gets no appreciation whatsoever.  

Slader, your husband, was in the castle of Liones late one evening when he heard your footsteps approach. That was the way he could tell who was coming. The Holy Knight smiled when he felt your arms wrap around him, hugging him. You were a druid from Istar, so you were able to heal injuries to an extent. Slader turned around as you waved to Bartra before you took the Holy Knight's hand. The three of you walked until you came upon Bartra's room. After you and Slader said goodnight to the king, the two of you walked home. You put a hand on your swollen stomach as you walked, smiling as your husband took your hand and walked you in through the door. You were then picked up by the male and carried upstairs. You were about to protest when Slader took off his mask, revealing the scar he had gotten from protecting Bartra from an assassin years ago. He smiled when you traced the scar above his eye, leaning into your soft, gentle, and nurturing touch. He lost count of the multiple nights he had come home covered in scratches and bruises, only for you to heal them patiently with your magic. "Slader?" you asked, making him turn around. You reached out your arms for him to come closer to you after he set you on the bed. "Can I have cuddles please?" you asked, giving him puppy eyes. He sighed and walked over before he wrapped his arms around you, his hands coming to rest against your stomach. Your cheeks turned red as you leaned back against his broad chest, relaxing into his comforting warmth. He smiled softly and kissed you on the forehead, holding you close. The Holy Knight had had a rough past, so when he met you, his life changed, making him see the good rather than the bad that could happen. About ten years after he met you, he proposed to you, and asked you to be his wife. You smiled at the memories as you slowly drifted off to sleep. Slader saw that you were asleep due to your breath slowing and your body fully going limp in his arms. He held you close as he thought of what was to come in the near future. He didn't want you or the child in your stomach to get hurt, so he usually stayed with you, letting one of the other Holy Knights he trusted guard the king. You usually stayed at home, occasionally going to visit Elizabeth or one of your friends that lived close by. Slader looked down at your sleeping form, smiling as he tucked a few strands of hair behind your ear. He then laid back against the pillows and drifted off to sleep.

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