Gloxinia x giant reader

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Hey guys, it's been a minute and I have to say that I've really missed being on here. I'm trying to work out my schedule to where I can post more often, but it's still really full because of school. I will try my best to still post though. Anyways, enjoy!

You were a very shy person by nature, so you were practically invisible to most other giants. You were friends with many fairies for this reason. As well as being friends with the fairy king's sister, Gherade. She was a very pretty fairy as well. Her brother, Gloxinia, had the most beautiful wings you had ever seen, and his voice was very soothing and kind. However, you knew he would never look at you the way you wished he would. You were sitting next to the king of your race, Drole, as he spoke with Meliodas and Elizabeth. You were about to leave when you heard a familiar voice speaking. You looked down and saw that Gloxinia was speaking to you, a kind smile on his face. He floated up to your eye level and then spoke so that you could hear him clearly. "Hey, (Y/N), mind if I have a seat on your shoulder?" He asked. You smiled and let him have a seat, red dusting your cheeks as he did so. "Your face is really red. Are you ok (Y/N)?" He asked, making you look at him as he looked up at you. You nodded softly before asking him to talk in private. "Sure. Is something wrong?" He asked. "No, it's just that there's something I have to tell you when we get back to headquarters." You replied. He nodded and then held on to your neck as you walked back to base deep in the forest.

You sat down in the patch of sunlight and relaxed as Gloxinia got off of your shoulder. He then took a seat on a branch not far from you. He then spoke. "So, what did you want to tell me?" He asked, looking down at you. Your cheeks turned redder than before as you looked down at the ground. "You already know what I'm going to say." You said, making him chuckle softly. You looked up at him, only to find that he was right up in your face. He floated up to your forehead and kissed you. "I've always felt that way about you. You should know that too (Y/N). You're the kindest person out there, and I love you. Do you feel the same way?" He asked, making you grab him and hold him close to your face as you smiled softly. You then let him rest on your chest, making pink tint his cheeks as he laid down. You then rested in a comfortable position before falling asleep, tired from a long day.

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