Nanashi x wife! goddess! reader

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Hey guys, this is the last chapter in this oneshots book. I would like to (Once again lol) thank everyone who has read my stuff and requested. I couldn't have made it this far without all of you guys. The book is currently posted in my profile, so please make sure to check it out if you want to read more of my content and request stuff. Anyways, enjoy!

You put on your sweater before moving on to your leggings and boots. You then put on your cherry blossom colored scarf, smiling at how soft it was. It had been a wedding gift from when you and Nanashi got married. You were putting on your necklace that showed a picture of you and Nanashi during your wedding when you felt two strong arms wrap around your waist. You looked up and smiled when you saw your husband before reaching up and gently cupping his cheek in your hand. You finished getting ready and then got up from your seat, taking your husband's hand into yours as you both walked out the door. You were walking with Nanashi when a man bumped into you on purpose. He then looked at you and flipped you off, causing Nanashi to grab his collar and put him in a chokehold. He then faced you with the man gasping for breath. "Apologize, or you'll have the afterlife to deal with in a few minutes. She didn't deserve that whatsoever." he threatened, causing him to squeak out an apology after a few seconds before Nanashi was satisfied and let him go before watching as the man scurried away. You scowled at him as he turned back to you. "That was taking it a little far, don't you think?" you asked, causing the goddess to shrug. You yourself were also a goddess, though you rarely had your wings out. You took Nanashi's hand into yours once again, leading him to Arthur's castle.

Once you got there, you were welcomed in by the young king, the ginger haired male getting up from his throne and walking over to you. He then hugged you tightly, causing you to hug him back. You had missed your friends in Camelot while you were on your honeymoon, and you even worried about them while you were away. You let go of Arthur and went over to Merlin, giving her a hug as well. Arthur then spoke, bringing your attention to him. "I say we all have lunch together and catch up on what's been going on with you two." he advised, causing you to look at Nanashi and smile. "Of course Arthur, We'd both love that." you said, gesturing to the door for him to lead the way.

Once you all got to the gardens, the young king asked two of the castle staff to get the four of you something for lunch. They nodded and then left before Arthur turned back to the two of you. It was quite cold this morning, but you liked it that way. You smelled the wonderful aroma of (F/F) and sighed, smiling widely as it was set in front of you. You then gladly ate your fill with the other three before Orlondi asked to join. He had been turned back to normal, but he could withstand the sun now. He sat down and spoke. "So, (Y/N), how was it with Nanashi in Liones?" he asked, looking at you. Arthur's eyes widened ever so slightly. "The two of you stayed in Liones for your honeymoon?" he asked, causing you and your husband to nod your heads yes. "There was a festival there, so we thought we would participate in it. Plus, we got to stay in Liones Castle with Elizabeth and Meliodas' permission." you said. "How are those two anyways? It seems that they're always getting into trouble even now." she said. "Well, Ellie's having a son pretty soon. She's about seven months in now, and Bartra's going slightly overboard on gifts for the baby, but I don't blame him. He's going to be the only child that's going to be half goddess and half demon. The name of the boy's species is called Nephilim, which means half demon and half goddess." you said, causing the king to nod as he finished his meal. You then smiled at the mage and the king. "Now then, enough about us, what about the two of you?" you asked. Arthur looked over at Merlin, letting her go first. "Well, I've been working on Greyroad's bodies, which is very helpful to be honest. They're very whiny when I inject medicine into them though." she said, sighing. She then nodded at Arthur, who decided to speak. "Well, I've been trying to get the hang of Chaos for a while, but it honestly is so draining. Luckily though, I've been getting help from the Lady of the Lake. No matter how much I don't trust her, she's the only way I can use Chaos for good, and not use it for evil." he said. You all then turned to Orlondi, who had his eyes closed. When he didn't do anything, you flicked his temple. "Orlondi, have you and Gelda been hanging out lately?" you asked, causing him to nod while he put a hand against his head. "She and Zeldris might have children, but I honestly have no clue whatsoever." the blonde male said. You nodded and then spoke to the group. "Well, there's supposed to be a festival tonight, right?" you asked, causing Arthur to nod his head yes. You then smiled at Nanashi. "Hey, Nanashi, can we go to the festival tonight?' you asked, causing him to nod his head yes. You then smiled, resting against his arm. "So, are the two of you going to have children?" Orlondi asked, smirking at you and your husband. Nanashi's face turned as red as yours did, and you both turned to the vampire. "Orlondi!" you both yelled at the vampire as he laughed. After that, you spent the rest of the day with your friends and husband, happy to be with them for the time being.

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