The Sins and Co. Reacting to you having a miscarriage

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TW: Miscarriages are a theme in this chapter! Please proceed with caution!


He never anticipated this to happen, but when it does, he's going to beg on his hands and knees for you not to blame yourself for the miscarriage

He wanted a child so bad, but now that chance is gone, he's definitely going to be more careful and more watchful of you if the two of you decide you want to try again.

He will also definitely give you lots of cuddles just to make sure that you don't think about it too much, but he knows it's hard to lose a baby, especially your own. Zhivago made sure he knew what that felt like.


When he hears that you've had a miscarriage, expect him to sob as he begs himself to wake up from this nightmare that is your and his reality.

He might think to blame you, and might even say a few things like "Why weren't you more careful?!" or "We could have still had a chance if you were careful!"

Please don't hold it against him, he will realize that you're feeling the same way he is about losing your baby. He'll come to his senses, but whether or not it's with the help of a few punches in the face from Ban, or he comes around on his own, he's going to apologize regardless.

He will hold you for hours, making sure you're ok after what he said to you on top of losing the baby. He might even ask if the two of you can try again.


You best believe that Meliodas is going to be the one comforting you even though he's crying.

He'll cry in private, not wanting you to worry about him or his needs.

But what he will 100% do is ask if the two of you can try again.

He wants a baby so badly that he's willing to move on from his past, and from this tragedy he will also move on, making sure you move on with him.


He never really learned much about children, but what he did learn was that he wanted one and he wanted one badly.

So when he hears from Elaine one evening after you've been taken into critical care due to your condition he hears the news that you lost the baby and he sobs.

He will find out who caused you to lose the baby and he will murder them as painfully as possible.

After he takes care of that, then he'll go to you and comfort you, saying that the person responsible is taken care of.

Helbram will probably not ask if the two of you can try for a baby again for a while because of the sheer fact that he doesn't want to lose another child.


Though he doesn't show his emotions very well, he will absolutely sob bucketfuls of tears until he can see you to comfort you because of this.

With his father being the way he is, he probably went with Howzer and blamed you for the miscarriage. That was the only time in his life that Howzer yelled at his father.

No matter what, he will ask if the two of you can try for a baby again, but he'll wait until you're feeling better to the point where you can talk about it without crying.


You best believe that he wants to have children. It is literally branded into his genes to want to have children.

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