Ludociel x reader fluffy angst

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If there was one thing that Ludociel the Flash Grace hated more than anything else in the world, it was being ignored. That being said, obviously one of the other three Graces was going to take notice of the Archangel's love for attention due to the fact that he didn't get noticed as a kid by his parents. And of course, you were going to get dragged into the mess of things.

"Hey, (Y/N)?" Sariel asked one day with a smirk as the two of you looked at the puffy white clouds floating lazily across the sky.

"Yeah Sariel?" you responded.

"Truth or dare?" the Tornado Grace asked.

"Dare." you responded, not knowing what the other Goddess had in mind.

"I dare you to ignore Ludociel for an entire day starting tomorrow." Sariel said with a smirk.

You sat up in alarm and looked at the Archangel. "Are you insane? Ludociel will KILL me if I do that." you told him. "A dare is a dare (Y/N). you don't have any other choice but to do it." he said before he got up and walked off.

When you got to your shared home with Ludociel, you saw that he was in the middle of cooking for the night. He was making (F/F) for you and you saw (F/D) on the counter. He saw you and smiled at you. "Welcome home (Y/N). How was your day?" he asked. You then told him that it was good, obviously leaving out the part where you were dared to ignore him for an entire day. He smiled and then served (F/F) on a plate for you before sitting in his chair to eat his own plate. After the two of you were finished, you told him that you would do the dishes for the night as you took the plates to the sink and washed them. Once you were done, you then went upstairs to get ready for bed. When you got upstairs and got dressed for bed, you crawled in next to your boyfriend and hugged him from behind. The Archangel took notice of this and rolled over to where he was facing you. He wrapped his arms around you and then pulled you close to him as he nuzzled his face into your soft (H/C), (H/L) hair before he breathed in your scent. "What did I ever do to deserve you (Y/N)?" he whispered before he fell asleep.

You woke up the next morning at six o'clock. You got dressed and saw that Ludociel was still fast asleep. After you had gathered your things for the day, you left the house and set off to find your friends. You were friends with Mael, Tarmiel, and Sariel. Even though you loved hanging out with them, Tarmiel and Sariel could be a bit of a pain. Tarmiel knew where to draw the line better than Sariel did, obviously because he wasn't the one who dared you to ignore your boyfriend for the next 24 hours. Mael saw that you looked troubled and waited until the rest of the group went into town to browse and to shop. You were about to walk away before a hand clasped over your shoulder. "(Y/N), what seems to be the matter?" Mael asked. You then cleared your throat before you spoke. "Sariel dared me to ignore Ludociel for the entire day, and I can't tell him either." you said as a single tear fell down your cheek. Mael's face twisted into a look of pure horror after that sentence came from your mouth. "You know what he's like if he gets ignored, right?" he asked. You shook your head no in response. Mael made sure that there was no one around before he leaned down and whispered in your ear. "He feels like you'll leave him. Ludociel feels absolutely worthless if he's ignored." he told you. With that, he walked off with you behind him.

While you were out, you went into the woods after making sure that no one else was following you. You walked for about a mile before you happened upon the sight you were hoping for: the old ruins that you found with trees around them. This was the only place that you alone knew about other than the people who made what the ruins used to be. You settled down and took out your sketchbook and a pencil. You then began to draw Ludociel with the rest of your group. After you were done, you heard a smooth voice behind you. "I thought I'd find you here." you turned around and saw none other than Ludociel himself. He smiled and sat next to you on the smooth stone of the ruins. "It's an old shrine of some sort I think. Do you know what it is?" he asked as he turned to you. When he saw you still working on the drawing, he got slightly confused at your behavior, and then tried to start another conversation with you. "So, I made sure that I wasn't followed by anyone so that this place could be our little secret. I hope you don't mind me being here." he said. When he was answered by silence once again, his face held a hurt expression before he then stood up. "I see that you need space. If you don't want to talk, then that's fine with me. See you back at home (Y/N)." he said before he flew off. Once he was out of sight and earshot, you sighed as you remembered his pained expression. Ludociel had never been one who showed much affection, so he rarely ever showed emotion even towards you. You then picked up your things after you finished the drawing and then took off towards the village.

Later that night, when you got home, your back was sore from all of the bending over to pick things up you had to do due to the fact that you were helping the humans in Vaizel rebuild after the labyrinth that Drole made had been destroyed. Progress wise, the village was about halfway done. You were also sore from all the flying you had to do to get back to the Goddess Realm. When you got home, you saw a plate of (F/F) on the counter. You took it and then saw that it was still warm. You then ate the food and washed the plate after you were done. As you were walking up the stairs, you saw that Ludociel was on the couch, waiting for you. He motioned for you to come to him and for a second, you almost did. For a second, your tired body almost gave in to the begging that your mind was doing for you to sit with him and ask for a back rub. However, you remembered the dare that Sariel gave you, and you walked upstairs. Ludociel didn't know what he had done, or what had happened, but he was now worried about you. When he got into your shared room, he saw that you were in the middle of changing, and then quickly slammed the door shut with a red face. After you were done, he opened the door and saw you on your side of the bed. Once he had fully crawled in, he then decided to speak. "(Y/N), what's going on? If I did anything, please let me know so that I can fix it." he said. You almost cried when he said that. You didn't want him to blame himself, but you didn't want to face the consequences of the dare either. "Please (Y/N), I'm so sorry for whatever I did, please forgive me." his tone was now soft and gentle. He wrapped his arms around you and buried his face into your hair as tears came from his eyes. "Please, I don't want to lose you." he begged. That was your breaking point. You whipped around as fast as you could to face your boyfriend. When you did, he saw that you had tears in your eyes as you hugged him close and buried your face into his chest. "I'm sorry Ludociel. Sariel dared me to ignore you for the entire day. Please forgive me." you begged as he wrapped his arms around you to hold you closer. 

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