Tarmiel x reader fluffy angst

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This was a request from @iOtayi. I hope you enjoy and sorry if it's bad.

You were with your best friend, Nerobasta, one day, helping her tend to the Supreme Deity's gardens when she asked you to do a dare for her.

"Hey, (Y/N), can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare. You know I never pick truth."

The lance corporal smirked before she spoke. "I dare you to ignore Tarmiel for the entire day tomorrow." your head shot up from the rose bushes you were watering as you looked at her. "Why would I do that?" you asked, concerned. "Oh come on, you know you want to see what happens." she said. You had been dating the Ocean Grace for about a year now, and it was the best decision you had ever made in your life. "But Tarmiel's too nice, I'd honestly rather ignore Ludociel for an entire day." you said. You were quite close to the Archangels, and Ludociel and Mael were your older brothers, so it would be much easier to see why you would ignore them. "A dare is a dare, no take backs." she said. You sighed before nodding and going back to watering flowers. After the two of you were done with the gardens, you saw the Supreme Deity walk out to tend to them. "Supreme Deity, we already helped you with the gardens. We figured that it would be a nice gift to you." Nerobasta said. The woman reached out her finger as she landed on it and thanked the celestial. The two of you then went back to your houses for the night.

When you got home, you saw that Tarmiel was waiting for you in the kitchen. He had a smile on his face when he saw you. "Welcome home." he said, wrapping his arms around you. You looked up, smiling at the male as you reached up and cupped his cheek. His face turned slightly red as he leaned into your touch. "Dinner is ready if you're hungry." he said. You nodded as your stomach growled. He got you a plate and put (F/F) on it before giving it to you. You smiled, taking the dish. He knew this was your favorite meal, but still served it very rarely. Tarmiel sat next to you as the two of you ate. After you were done, you put your plate in the sink and sat next to Tarmiel, resting your head against his shoulder. He put his arm around you as he ate, making a slight red blush surface on your cheeks. You leaned into him as he finished. After he put his plate in the sink, you walked upstairs and closed the bedroom door. You got into the shower and washed yourself before getting out and seeing Tarmiel in the bedroom. "Um, Tarmiel, I still need to get dressed." you said. The Ocean Grace nodded and left the room so you could change. You got dressed in your pyjamas and got Tarmiel. "You can come in now, Tarmiel." you said. The male got his clothes and changed in the bathroom before joining you in the bed. He hugged you close, resting his head on top of your head as he spoke. "Thank you for being there for me." he whispered. You looked up at him, smiling as you reached your hand up and ran your fingers through his hair. He started to fall asleep as you continued to massage his scalp. You then fell asleep with him, happy with the day.

The next day, you got up and got dressed before leaving quickly to get to your brothers' house. You knocked on the door, hearing it open soon after. You then came face to face with your brother, Mael. "(Y/N)!" he exclaimed, engulfing you in a hug. "Please, come in." he said, stepping out of the way for you to walk in. you thanked Mael and then walked into the living room. You saw Ludociel there, reading a book. He looked up from the novel. "Hey, (Y/N), how are you?" he asked, wrapping his arms around your smaller frame. "I'm doing good. How are things here?" you asked. "Things here are doing well per usual." he said. You nodded and then asked them why you were here. "We wanted to spend some time with you today. Is that ok?" he asked. You nodded your head yes. The two then led you into town to spend the day with them.

After you said goodbye to your brothers, you left their house and started on your way back home. You bumped into Tarmiel not even ten minutes into your walk. "Hey!" he called, waving to you. You ignored him, walking away and continuing to walk home. This confused the Archangel as he walked beside you. "Are you ok?" he asked. You didn't answer, which honestly hurt. "Wellihavetogobye." he said, quickly running back to the house. You sighed and saw the house in front of you. You opened the door and saw Tarmiel rush up the stairs and into the bedroom. You opened the door slowly and saw the goddess sitting on the bed as tears ran down his face. You ran over to him, wrapping your arms around him as he looked at you. "Forgive me, but I was told by Nerobasta to ignore you for the day." you said, wrapping your wings around the two of you. He nodded and rested his head against your chest as you wrapped your arms around his waist. You laid down as the Archangel held you close, running his fingers through your hair. He took hold of your hands as he pressed his forehead against yours. "Please don't do that again." he said, making you smile slightly as you wrapped your arms around him. You soon fell asleep in his arms, happy that he forgave you.

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