Zeldris x reader angst

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Hey guys, this was requested by @Jc20-5 and I decided on some angst for the oneshot so *Gives tissues* yeah just take those in advance. Anyways, enjoy the oneshot!

He remembered so clearly the image of you when you would sit by yourself and make flower crowns. He remembered your laugh whenever he would do something funny. He remembered your smile, your face, your beautiful wings. But he could never hold you for a little more than a few minutes before he had to leave to speak to his father about war plans. "Zeldris, when this war ends, I'm going to stay with you forever. I'll never leave your side." you had promised him. What a fool he was to think you wouldn't be ripped from him like this. You were the sister of Mael and Ludociel, and you were naturally timid and shy. When you met Zeldris, it was when Elizabeth was trying to get the other demons in his group to turn back with your help. You had landed in front of Zeldris himself and begged him to tell his armies to turn back and leave. "I don't want this war to go on forever, and I know you don't either." you said. Zeldris kept flying as he tried to get to his secret shared spot with you. When he got there, he saw one of the generals from the demon clan with a sword through your chest. You saw Zeldris and smiled before falling almost dead before the general. After he left, Zeldris came out of hiding and knelt by your nearly dead body before brushing a strand of hair away from your cold face. He heard you start to whisper. "Zeldris, I don't want to die here." you said, making tears come from his eyes as he buried his face in your hair. "Don't leave me. You're the last thing I have in this world (Y/N). Please don't leave me behind." he begged, only to be answered by silence. He heard goddesses coming and took off before hiding once more to where he could still see you. His tears kept coming as he saw your brothers emerge from the foliage. "(Y/N)?" Ludociel whispered softly before he screamed in agony. Zeldris waited for them to leave before he went and got the flower crown he had given you and laid it on your chest. He then hugged your dead body one last time and then flew off.

The next few months, Zeldris got very little sleep, and usually was tired and excused from training until he was fully rested, much to the concern of his former mentor, Cusack. However, when the Napping Reaper questioned him, he brushed it aside, saying that he lost a very important friend in his life and was still going through grief. One night, he fell asleep and then opened his eyes in a field of golden grass. He was laying down on someone's lap and then looked up to see you. You ran your fingers through his oil black hair gently, your scent floating around the two of you. He sat up and tackled you to the ground, holding you tightly. "Zel, are you ok?" you asked. He shook his head as tears streamed down his face. "I'm never ok when you aren't by my side. Where have you been all this time?" he asked. "I've been here waiting for you, love. I didn't want to leave you behind, so I waited for you to visit me." you explained. "But is it really... you?" he asked. "The realm of the dead and the plain of dreams overlap, so I can visit you in your dreams if you want. I've seen how little you sleep, and I wanted to help." you said. He smiled softly, hugging you close to him as you wrapped your arms around him. He rested his head against your chest and looked up at you. "I've missed you every day since that incident as well. However, there are a few good things about this place, for one, there are many other goddesses that have demons as their lovers. You'd be surprised by the number. Another perk is that I'm not judged for loving you here." you said. "I wish I could stay with you." he whispered. You cupped his face in your hands with tears falling down your face. "I miss you whenever the two of us are apart as well, but you have to live on. I'll still be here when you finish the race, and then the two of us can explore this peaceful world together when you want to stay with me. But you've got a war to fight, and people who still care about you. So I leave you with that." you said, standing up and starting to walk away. "Wait, when will I see you again?" he asked, making you smile back at him. "When the time is right, I will see you again, Zeldris." you said.

Zeldris jolted awake and then looked down at his hands. He smiled softly to himself and looked up at the ceiling. I'll always love you and only you, my precious (Y/N)

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