King x reader fluffy angst

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You and Ban had a bet between who would win a fight based on power level alone: him or Harlequin. when you went up to your boyfriend and asked him what his power level was, he responded that it was about two thousand lower than Ban's. He had no idea that he had just made you lose the bet with Ban that you made earlier. The consequences were that you had to ignore him for an entire 24 hours. And, knowing Harlequin, he would want to know why he was being ignored by you. You sighed and looked at Ban. "He's going to hate me for this." you explained. Since you and Harlequin had started dating, he had a special side that only you knew. He was so sweet all the time, and tried his best not to stare if you wore a revealing top or really short shorts. His nose would bleed if he so much as glanced your way while you were wearing the Boar Hat's uniform, so he tried not to look. He was a dignified person at heart and tried not to be disrespectful to you. However, he got kind of nosy when you didn't tell him what was going on if you gave him the silent treatment. So when the next day rolled around and Harlequin woke you up in your shared room, you stayed silent, not sparing him a glance. There were times when your boyfriend was defensive, but Harlequin saw that you looked genuinely upset, so he let you have your space. In the afternoon, you sat beside him and then put your head on your arms. "Hey (Y/N), how are you?" he asked.


"You know, I found this spot in the woods, it has a nice pond with a waterfall."

Still silence. It was killing you to give him the silent treatment.

"I see that you're kind of upset. Did I do something?" he asked. You got up and walked away from him, leaving him to think about all the things he had done to you in the past 24 hours. He couldn't think of anything, so he was still confused as to why you were ignoring him.

Later that day, Harlequin bumped into you talking to Ban. his face heated up in anger as he walked over to the two of you. You were just talking to him casually about the next mission in Camelot when he walked up. He grabbed Ban's collar and then whacked him in the face. When he recovered from the blow, he looked at King in confusion. "What the heck was that for King?" he asked.

This set Harlequin off instantly.

"You know full well why. You're flirting with (Y/N), I know you are." he told the Fox Sin. Ban laughed at this. "You do realize that we were discussing what our jobs were going to be when we got to Camelot, right?" he questioned as your boyfriend deadpanned. You then left the two to talk so that you could restock the tavern. You had recently checked the inventory and found that the tavern had no more bread to serve with the meals. You would have made the bread if you weren't so busy all the time. You decided that if you were going to make bread, you would also have to get the proper ingredients. So, you headed to the market to get some ingredients for the tavern and for the bread. You looked over the list that Meliodas gave you to complete. This would take all day unless you had help. You turned to your boyfriend.

Welp, all day shopping it is.

After a while, you brought the ingredients you had gotten so far (which was half of the list) back to the tavern. You gave them to Meliodas and then went to get the list from the table, only to discover both the list and Harlequin missing. Not that you were complaining, you did need a break given that Meliodas usually picked you to go out on errands for the tavern.

Later that night, when you were getting in bed, Harlequin came in with some tea and flowers. He put the tea on the nightstand on your side of the bed and then crawled under the covers. He had his pyjamas on already and got to sleep easily.

Harlequin woke up in the middle of the night to something nuzzling his back. He turned around and saw you with your face buried into his spine. He smiled and then saw your facial expression.

You were having a nightmare.

He immediately started to panic as he looked for a way to wake you up.


There were flames all around you as you searched for your boyfriend. when you found him, he was laying limp on the ground, his body cold and lifeless. You started to cry as you knelt by him. "H-harlequin?" you gently shook him.

No response.

You buried your face in his soft orange hair, crying softly over him.

"(Y/N) wake up!"


~end of nightmare~

You jolted awake and looked around until your eyes landed on Harlequin, who was looking at you. Worry was evident in his eyes as he pulled you close. You hugged back even though the 24 hours weren't up yet. At this point, you didn't care what Ban did, you needed this. You hugged him into your chest as his face turned scarlet red. He hugged back and softly muttered 'peaches' as you let him rest his head on your chest. As you two fell asleep, you talked to your boyfriend. "Harlequin?" he hummed in response. "I'm sorry about ignoring you, Ban and I had a bet to see who would win in a fight based on power level, and he won. The loser had to ignore the person they were dating for 24 hours. Please forgive me for not telling you." he nodded and nestled his face into your chest before falling asleep. You smiled and soon fell asleep with him in your gentle embrace.

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