Sariel x reincarnated reader

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Hey guys, it's been a while but I have good news! After this week (Final exams suck) I'm on summer break, and can write more! @Asagiri_zeldris requested this. Btw sorry it's bad but I hope you enjoy!

He remembered it so clearly, your smile, your laugh, even your (E/C) eyes whenever they looked his way. He hadn't known it then, but you were endlessly in love with him, and he thought you would never love him like he did you. You were a lower rank goddess in the army, so he rarely saw you, but when he did, he always said hi. Sariel would always request that you join him whenever he would go on missions that you could handle so that he could spend hours upon hours talking to you, but he never expected this to happen. The next mission you were going on was one where you might encounter a Commandment, and he knew the chance was likely to be high due to how powerful they were and how terrifying their abilities were. He remembered the slightly prolonged goodbye hug that you gave him, telling him that you would hopefully see him in battle where you were, and he remembered you giving him one last wave before you took to the skies, not knowing that that would be one of the last few hours that he would ever see you again.

Sariel took down demon after demon with you nearby, always within range of your aura so as to make sure that you were ok. However, halfway through the battle, he felt the shift from determined to distressed instantly, and flew as fast as he could to get to you. However, his stomach dropped when he saw what had happened to you. There, in the middle of the battle, was Estarossa, with a sword through your chest and a smirk on his face. He was quickly swallowed up by the crowd of demons after he pulled the sword out of you. Sariel, with rage burning like a forest fire in his eyes, wiped out the rest of the demons that hadn't retreated with his grace before flying down to you, your body still warm as he cupped your face in his hands as tears streamed down his cheeks. Ludociel had noticed the surge, and saw why his friend had destroyed hundreds, maybe thousands of demons, within an instant as he saw the yellow eyed Archangel cradle you in his arms. Of course, he told Tarmiel to leave the two of you alone as they flew off to get back to base. "(Y-Y/N), please, don't leave me behind like this. Keep your eyes open." he begged, his expression full of sorrow and regret. Regret for not telling you that he had feelings for you when he had the chance. Regret for not protecting you when he should have been there for you. You gently put a hand against his cheek, your breaths ragged as you struggled to breathe. "Sariel, you found me. I'm so glad you're ok." you said, tears welling up in your eyes as you spoke. "(Y/N) you need to save your energy and rest. Please." he advised, only to be brushed off by your soft voice as you continued. "We both know that I'm not going to even make it to the Celestial Gate before I'm gone. But before I go, I want to tell you something, and I want to ask you a question as well." you whispered, losing blood at a rapid pace. "Of course, what is it?" he asked, his voice now a whisper as well. "I wanted to tell you that no matter where I go, that I'll always love you, and not just as a friend, but as something more. If only we had more time together." you said, a sad laugh escaping your lips. Sariel's eyes widened at your confession. "I wanted to ask you if you felt the same way." you said, your fingers running through his soft hair as you struggled to breathe. He nodded his head before speaking. "(Y/N), I've always loved you as something more. But please, don't leave me behind." his eyes red and puffy with tears still running down his face as you spoke yet again. "Please, don't cry. We'll be together again eventually, I promise." you said, wiping his tears away before you felt his soft lips against yours. He gently kissed you as you closed your eyes for the last time, a smile on your face as your body went limp in his arms. "(Y/N)?" he asked, shaking you slightly. He then realized that you were gone and sobbed into your hair as he cradled you in his arms, rocking you back and forth as he begged himself to not be in this nightmare that was reality. He then felt your cold face, his eyes taking in your smile of genuine happiness as he tried to maintain a calm facade while he walked back to the Archangels with your body in his arms. When Ludociel tried to take you away from him, he slapped his hand away, shooting him a glare as he walked back to where the two of you would talk all the time and hang out. Grabbing a shovel, he dug a grave for you, getting a casket that he had gotten that was intended for him if he died in battle, he gently set your body in the casket, crossing your arms over your chest, he closed the lid and locked it, lowering it into the grave that he dug for you before filling it with dirt and then sitting there for a while, thinking of what he was going to do now that you weren't there to help him and guide him down the right path.

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